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Guest Corey

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Guest Corey

Hi Everyone,

My name is Cory and I live in Glen Burnie, MD. I’m owned by a CAG named Shade. I’ve had him since he was 5 months old. I adopted him from a breeder. He has been a very nice and tame bird for the most part. I have always wanted a parrot but before last December I could not afford one. I did my due diligence on caring for greys before I brought Shady home. However I have been running into issues that I have not seen in the books that I have read. Despite the reading I have done I still feel that there are some things that only come with experience. I hope to share my experiences with you guys as well as hear about some of yours.

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Hi Corey and Shady and welcome to the forum.

My wife is from Glen Burnie, MD but that was a long long time ago.

Any time you have a need for help just post away and there will be some one to help.

P.S. We do love pictures and Shady looks great.

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Guest Corey

Shady is now 11 months old and he is beginning to act strangely. During the day he is very aggressive and lunges at my GF and other family members. He also lunges at his toys, food dish, water dish and calcium stick he also screams while lunging. After about 6 O’clock he becomes calm and welcomes petting from everyone. Is this normal behavior for a Grey?

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Shady is now 11 months old and he is beginning to act strangely. During the day he is very aggressive and lunges at my GF and other family members. He also lunges at his toys, food dish, water dish and calcium stick he also screams while lunging. After about 6 O’clock he becomes calm and welcomes petting from everyone. Is this normal behavior for a Grey?


There's really nothing going on that's unusual. There's a big difference between a 5mt old grey and an 11mt old grey. As far as agression towards items that are his---greys are well known for getting very aggressive with toys. They yell, scream, bite at their toys and other items in the cage. To someone who doesn't know about this, it can be very scary to see this. Actually, your bird is playing with his things and that's the way they like it. If there was a bell in the cage you'd see very aggressive behavior towards it and at the end of the day you'll see him cuddling next to the bell.

As far as biting your GF and other family members, now is the time to socialize your bird with others in your house. A bird who stops at 6 PM isn't usually going after people all the time. They would stay aggressive way past 6 PM. Everyone needs to be involved with your bird so that it can understand that there are no enemies. If your bird only likes you, that's even more reason to get everyone involved.

One other thing----as the bird gets older ( 11 mts and older) they wanna be left alone more so than a baby bird. It no longer will wanna cuddle as much. They become aloof, independent birds. It's one of the things that bother people because they don't know the personality changes that are going on and will continue to go on. This is simply a response to changes your bird is going through.

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Guest Corey
As far as lunges at his toys that is grey play. they can be very vocal and aggressive when they play. He may be testing the waters to see what he can get away with.

Does he do step up when you ask.


He steps up when we are in other areas of the house. However he will not step up from his cage, except when its the first time I see him form the day. I want to continue training him to step up but he does not taken food or treats from me anymore. He will only eat from his food bowl.

Thanks for letting me know that Greys are just vocal like that when playing with toys.

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Guest Corey
There's really nothing going on that's unusual. There's a big difference between a 5mt old grey and an 11mt old grey. As far as agression towards items that are his---greys are well known for getting very aggressive with toys. They yell, scream, bite at their toys and other items in the cage. To someone who doesn't know about this, it can be very scary to see this. Actually, your bird is playing with his things and that's the way they like it. If there was a bell in the cage you'd see very aggressive behavior towards it and at the end of the day you'll see him cuddling next to the bell.

As far as biting your GF and other family members, now is the time to socialize your bird with others in your house. A bird who stops at 6 PM isn't usually going after people all the time. They would stay aggressive way past 6 PM. Everyone needs to be involved with your bird so that it can understand that there are no enemies. If your bird only likes you, that's even more reason to get everyone involved.

One other thing----as the bird gets older ( 11 mts and older) they wanna be left alone more so than a baby bird. It no longer will wanna cuddle as much. They become aloof, independent birds. It's one of the things that bother people because they don't know the personality changes that are going on and will continue to go on. This is simply a response to changes your bird is going through.


I would love to get others in the house to interact with Shady. Only three people live in my house: Myself My aunt Button and my Aunt Bows. My GF only comes over on the weeks because she lives in New York. When I first Brought Shady home my aunts were very interested in him, however once he bit them they stopped coming to visit him. I am going to ask them to come and talk to Shady through the cage and not to try to pet him. What I've seen with Shady, and this may not be true for all CAGs, is that I don't have to pet him for him to feel like I'm spending time with him. So maybe if I get my aunts just to visit him daily it will help a little. Shady and I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with me. I look forward to hearing more form you guys and sharing knowledge.

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Welcome Corey and Shade. I'm finding your question (and the answers from the experts here) very interesting, because my Simon is 5 months old, and I like to know what to expect in the coming months - and how to handle it. Good for you for coming here and asking, instead of just letting things go.


Are your aunts really named Aunt Buttons and Aunt Bows?

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Haveing your aunts and your girl friend come over and talk to shady is great. It will help Shady to know who they are and that they are part of the flock and some day Shady may want to interact with them. It`s like being part of the family.(I should say It`s being part of the family)

Some times they are one person birds. Our grey Corky will go to me my wife my son and any body that comes to our home. Some times she will fly to a person and land on their shoulder and scare the living hell out of them because they did not expect her to come over to greet them.

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Welcome to the forum. Shade is a beautiful boy and his cage is nice too. Congratulations on doing your due diligence and for seeking a greater understanding of your grey and his place in your family. This forum has a lot of collective experience and we will learn from you and your guy too. Thanks for joining us.

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