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I play music pretty continuously throughout the day while I work. Everything from R&B to Disney Songs. I've found that Sully has a preference for some music and FREEZES when other music comes on. This morning, he was jamming out to Lil' Wayne.. bobbing his head and beatboxing, and then The Little Mermaid song came on, and he LOVED it... woo'ed over and over and danced! But then Poor Taylor Swift came on-- he poked his head up as high as it would go, and froze! lol He stayed like that through the entire song, and when Hakuna Matata came on, he started dancing and "wooo!"ing again! lol too funny :)


Does anyone else's grey prefer some music over another?

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Sully "whoos" too, huh? :) Maybe it's a Grey thing after all, we didn't know where Marcus picked that up from. I get the impression his former owners didn't play music for him or anything...


Marcus just loves anything melodic. It can be fast and harder like 80s hair metal (Dokken is a favorite) or it can be softer stuff like Janis Ian. He did not take to the Beach Boys though, and the Sesame Street record I have he and Beaker just kind of sat there to and didn't do anything. But Marcus will dance if he likes a song, he'll lift a foot and make 'snapping' noises like he's snapping to the beat (he's gotten much better at that than when he started out!), and he'll go "Whoo! Whoo!" if he really likes something. :)

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Dorian seems to like James Taylor, especially songs where there is whistling. I was playing a Jacksoul CD yesterday and that got him really vocal. Anything heavy metal he gets really irritated. And you remember how he acts when I'm playing piano and singing, he gets really loud. Still don't know if he's singing along, or trying to drown me out lol.

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All y'all have truly inspired me. I am usually setting about doing various tasks at home on a daily basis. I hardly ever think to turn on the music for background noise. I love the whoots and whistles of my two birds and you inspired me to play a little music for them. I went to the website and they didn't seem to notice the lovely music and bird calls. I turned on the radio and they sat quietly, watching me dance trying to get them to join in. Then, as I was off in the kitchen starting dinner, I started singing. The HeeHaw song. Where oh where are you tonight. I was met by bronx cheers and the abrasive gong show buzzer from Java and Gilbert chimed in to say "bye bye, see ya later". So. I guess I won't be bringing music in to soothe the savage beasts. LOL. I laughed myself to tears with the two of them. I think they might have watched Simon Cowell... or that woman on The Weakest Link. hahahahahaaha ROLF And another thing, I have been soothed at my darkest hour by your singing to Dorian. He is cheering you on and joining in. Mine left nothing ambiguous for me to sort out. LOL hahaha

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We showed Took the youtube video of a parrot singing opera, we played it for her a couple times and sang along. That evening she was singing it on her own! She started singing randomly and does her own variation.


One day I played some Vivaldi and within the first few notes she perked up and started singing along!


Since then she sings almost everyday.


I tried to get her to like rock with no luck. She doesn't seem to go for jazz either. Or electronica. But she has seemed interested in dancehall/reggeaton (go figure!), she was intently looking at the speakers when it came on. I'm not giving up! I'm a big various rock fan and I will find a at least one song she likes!! I'm thinking the Verve's Bittersweet Symphony- I'll try it when I get home.

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Ever since I wrote this, I've been trying different types of music...


He LOVES Reggae, Country music... no waaaay. Lol, he doesn't seem to like the guitar noise.


However, our new little parakeet Fred does!

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