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What's the space below the lower beak called?


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You know that soft unfeathered spot just below the lower beak, on a bird's throat? What's it called? Is it okay if my lovebird grooms my Grey there? They've been very cozy lately, those two, beaking each other and grooming each other. Oboe keeps grooming that spot on Simon and I wonder if I should discourage it. (It also freaks me out when Oboe grooms Simon's eyes...)

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I don't think it's a problem unless the Grey objects or if there are signs of over preening.



"The horny sheaths of the upper and lower beak can be called the maxillary rhamphotheca (or rhinotheca) and mandibular rhamphotheca (or gnathotheca). If you tip the head back, you will see a fleshy area under the lower mandible, and this is called the interramal region or interramal space. The tongue and related structures are nestled in this region. Sometimes, the first time an owner sees this region, they panic and think a piece is missing out of the beak. But, be assured, this space is normal."




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I also wondered about this space and never thought to ask if it had a name. Great question and equally great response. When I first found this little nook, I was aghast thinking I poked my fingernail in a "hole" but quickly realized it was just a space. It seems like such a trust when Java likes for me to gently scratch her and she likes for me to rub there in her interramal space. I never thought I would use that phrase in a sentence. Look how you help me evolve.

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