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Training / behavior DVDs


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There really aren't any DVDs on training that's legitimate. There's a DVD that is put out by a person named Chet Womack but it's been proven that when he first made the DVD, he didn't know what he now knows. His method was to constantly use sticks. He was forced to admit this on an activist board about 1 year ago. The odd thing though is that he's never made a revised edition to this very day.

I think the best way for you to learn about training and behavior is to constantly submit questions here where you'll get different opinions and different methods to try out that will eventually work for you and your bird--Dave

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Now I know why I didn't like Chet's DVD, I suspected it was crap and now Dave has cleared that up for us, thank you Dave for your help.


Some of the members here have taught their greys tricks and such, just read thru a lot of the threads especially in the training room for a lot of good ideas. But you are welcome to ask specific questions, but if it is about tricks and training, be sure to put it in the training room.

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Sorry for what, nothing to be sorry about, I don't have the training room anymore, that is xxbeccyxx room now, I have the welcome room, but it wouldn't have made any difference anyway, no one owns them so you can post anywhere you like, we just like to keep the threads organized under the proper titles.:P

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I Know MrSpock is right on.


I purchased Chet Womack's DVD over a year ago when I first got Jake my Breeder Peach Front Conure. It did not help me at all.


As already stated, asked the members here that have already had to overcome behaviour issues and also successfully trained their Greys.


There is a wealth of experience and helpful people here. :-)

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I had seen a couple of trial videos of his. He has also been emailing me every couple of days asking why I have not ordered a copy and how detrimental this could be to my parrots development if I dont. I didnt really appreciate that. From the amount of useful information here I can see that this forum will be much more beneficial to Herbie's well being.

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Guest briansmum

yes, monique is right clicker training has worked for a lot of people and i tried it myself, unfortunately brian found the clicker and now thinks it's a toy so give clicker training a go, just dont let your bird find the clicker!! :lol:

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