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Just a couple questions!


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Number 1:

I currently have clicker trained my BB and it has worked wonders. Does any one have any experience with clicker training Greys? Also, will my birds get confused if I'm clicking the other in the same vicinity?


Number 2:

How much time do you all spend with your greys daily? I work full time, but nights from 4 10 or 11 usually. The only exception is Sundays, I work 10 - 4, and Saturdays where I work 10 - 10. I am nervous about not having enough time to spend on Saturdays except for a couple of morning hours. However, I live in a house with my boy friend, his two brothers, and two other room mates. They all help me with care and attention for my BB when I'm out. They are not confident with handling birds, but will take my BB out and put him on his playstand for some time on Saturdays, I'm sure they will do the same with the grey. Any thoughts?

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You have lots of daylight hours during the weekdays which is great! I really think it is the quality of the time rather than the total time which is important. I hope your birds are flighted. Mine seem to enjoy flying and spending time with me more than anything. I really don't know anything about clicker training, but missing just Saturday is okay. It is also fun to take them out into the sunshine (in their cages) most days.

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