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Introducing a new baby grey to an established adult


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Hi all,


Curiosity may have killed the cat, but all it's done to me so far is get me typing here! I will be bringing a new baby CAG home in about 6-8 weeks. I have an established 7 year old male CAG at home already. The new baby is also a male (didn't want to deal with the craziness during seasoning to get even more outrageous). I've read that Greys have a better chance at socializing with their own kind so my question is this: How do I introduce them in a way to promote positive interactions? What body language should I personally use and what things should I watch out for? The new baby won't be introduced right away for obvious reasons, but how long after bringing him home should I try to see if they will play nicely together? Should this be a gradual introduction, ie placing their cages or playstands near to each other but out of reach?


Thanks for all the help! I'm eager to learn as much as I can before bringing little Mojo home!


Kindest Regards,


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