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Previously trapped Greys being set free


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Thanks for sharing that, Dan. I really enjoyed watching that, the one vocal one at the end just seemed to be in shock or something, but it was so touching when he/she finally flew off after all the rest. I sent the link to my hubby at work and he loved it too. If only there were more 'happy ending' situations like this right now...

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Thanks Dan, you always seem to be on the lookout for just the things that give us a little something to feel good about for the rest of our day. I like to think the final two coming out were from the same clutch and were banding together. It was awesome to see them climb out in tandem and fly away free with the others. Also to watch the flight that in my own life would cause me such fear and anguish for the future of a caged bird in a foreign land was so beautiful and harmonious in the jungle where this group were being returned to their wild home.

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