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Something Wrong with Nilah...:(


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Today when I got the birds up, all seemed fine. They were eating breakfast with me as usual, then I noticed, Nilah's poops were watery and red. She was acting normal, eating, drinking, talking and flying, so I watched her. I gave them strawberries, blueberries and watermelon yesterday as a snack in their cages, so I thought maybe she ate too many strawberries. As I looked in her cage, she had only eaten 1 strawberry at the most, her cage paper had many red watery poops in it. Then I found 2 places she went before bed from the night before, same thing.

So, I watched her all morning, and watched her get quieter and quieter, although, she would still eat a bit. Of course, when I called my vet, the DR. will be out until Fri. am. They recommended the next closest avian vet, about 45 min away. I called them and explained the situation, they gave me an appt. for tomorrow at 7:30pm. I said, "can't you get us in sooner, by then it will have been 48 hours.....so they gave me 4:40pm.....big deal......I whined and whined some more, so she said she would speak to the vet in between appts and see what he says and she would call me back.


They called back within 10 minutes and I have a 4:15 appt today. So my vet faxed her last check-up results over to them and we will be off soon. I will let you know what happens..:(

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Well, just as I was getting ready to take Nilah to the vet. I had put paper towels on the bottom of her cage to see how she was pooping. Although she pooped a lot, she appears to be back to normal poops. She was talking and seeming as though she was fine. Seeing as how I am currently unemployed, and the ex isn't paying child support.....(@#!*@) Financially, I really can't afford to take her unless she really is sick, I think it must be the strawberries and watermelon she ate yesterday.


I am watching her, and if anything changes, I WILL take her in tomorrow, but she appears to be fine now.....figures.....but I am happier. So, for now, I canceled the vet....

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When Cricket eats water mellon it goes through her in hours and some of the stuff that comes out of her will make you sick, She just poops it out and she is ok.

It bothers me more than her. She loves mellon and won`t let any one have any.

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I sure do hope that Nilah is ok but keep a good lookout for any more strange looking poops but the fact that she is acting normally makes it look like it was just the fruit, they certainly can keep us worried sometimes and we women are the worst but here is hoping that she is fine and the vet visit will not be necessary, keep us posted.

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;) Okay, 1ST, hope all is well. 2nd, Parrots 101!. Fruit, Zon's require more fruit than Grey's, but not that much more, a couple of pieces a day. Watermellon should be a occasional treat at best, it's composition is: sugar and water, it goes through our baby's like a river. Strawberry's, again is almost all sugar, besides at lot of pesticides are used in growing it, it must be cleaned far many more times than other fruit. A person can eat strawberry's for years and than all of a sudden be allergic to them.[diarrhea] Keep using your water...Love Jay
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Jay, Thanks for clarifying about the watermelon. I didn't know that, I also didn't know that amazons had a slightly different fruit diet than greys. Mine all get about the same amount.


Nilah is fine. It really was just too much watermelon. I'm surprised neither of the vets told me it could be the watermelon. So glad I saved myself a $200 vet bill.

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Glad to hear the Nilah is ok, and Thanks Jay - I didn't know there was a different fruit requirement than the greys - although I can't get Morgan to eat anything fresh at the moment except blackberries. He stays far away from all others.


Wonderful news and great education in this experience!



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I am so glad Nilah is okay. Organic fruit has no pesticides. Colorful fruits and vegetables are filled with phytochemicals that help the eater fight disease and cancer. I think fruits and vegetables are an important element of a human (and a grey's) diet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, all my fruits and veggies are soaked in 11.5 alkaline water. You would not believe the difference it makes.


Anyways, I wanted to post a photo I took of Nilah's droppings that day. Looks pretty scary doesn't it?



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