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And my baby Timneh is a...........................


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GIRL!! I really thought she was a boy!! Now I can't think of any names so suggestions would be great!


I do have questions though as I have never had a female bird. I have read that females usually prefer male owners...is this true? At present, she loves me and dislikes my husband and boys but will tolerate my daughter. I guess I am just a little concerned she will change. She is really sweet to me but will bite everyone else especially males. I am not sure how to correct that. I really wanted her to go to anyone. I mean, I am glad she has chosen me but I was hoping to have a "family" bird.


Also, any advice on egg issues? When do I need to worry about that (she is a little over 5 months)


Any other things with females I need to know about??



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A Lady....Grey's in general are a one person bird, remember, they can change alliance at any time. When socializing, have other people talk instead of touching until your Lady is used to them. Keep working on your Lady to eat Veggies etc. If you didn't know by DNA you had a female, other than laying a egg, you'd never have known.....Watchfor eye color change, and about a year old, molting of the drab tail feathers to bright red ones...

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Congrats on your girl, my grey is a dna'd female and she is bonded to me but tolerates my hubby, she has never bitten me or anyone, sometimes its just a matter of paying attention to their body language and backing off when they display signs of displeasure, just like us we have our times we don't feel like being messed with and thats their way of getting their message across.

Does she really dislike your husband? She may not like him as much as she likes you but he can still have a good relationship with her if he respects her space. Let him be the one to give her treats, he can sit by her cage and talk to her, read her the newspaper or a book but I imagine she will be more tolerant of him when you are not around.

You don't have to worry about any egg laying issues for a few years yet and she may never lay an egg so don't cross that bridge until you get to it, at 5 months of age she is a long ways away from it.

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Congrats on your baby girl. A name will come to you and you will know it when it sticks. Our rehomed "new" Timneh adopted me straight away and we are working on other family members. At first when they approached his cage, he would go into defense mode and sway back and forth and strike out toward them like a little cobra. Gradually, they can stand next to the cage while I am there between them and just this week, he stepped off my hand, onto my husband once and then to my daughter as well. He quickly wants to come back to me, so we keep contact to a minimum and there have been no bites. If you are not the chosen one it is hard to wait your turn, but if they can be patient and give her treats and talk to her while you are close to show her they are accepted flock members, your time and patience will be well rewarded.

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