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What are you doing in there??

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So Ruffles has a strange new habit -- he likes to hide out in his small travel cage.


We give him tons of time out of the cage; usually eight or nine hours a day, give or take his behavior (when he bites he gets time outs and when we cook we put him away so he doesn't fly near our gas stove).


We had to take him to the vet not long ago and we just left his travel cage out of storage (we're sort of in a temporary place, so not a lot of space). He hates traveling in his travel cage, but ever since we've been leaving the carrier cage out he has been willingly spending time inside it! We're baffled!


He's not scared, because he sits in there preening himself, or he drags toys into the cage with him. I've even started playing peek-a-boo with him while he's inside it. He willingly comes to us if we ask him to come out, pokes his head out if we call his name and even sings and talks while he's inside. (Which is actually hilarious, because his little voice echoes inside the carrier, lol!)


I just wanted to see if anyone else has had something like this with their feathered friends? Is it normal? Or is he just a fan of exploring dark, small spaces?


Oh! I'll try to remember to snap a picture of him the next time he's in there for evidence (or for humor, lol) :)

Edited by TitaniumPhoenix
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I have a re-homed ekkie that is at least 10 years old and he prefers his travel cage to his normal cage. I had him in a larger cage at one time and he would go to his travel cage whenever I let him out (every day). So I got him a smaller everyday cage and gave his larger cage to a zon I rehomed. Sully is happier in a smaller cage go figure!

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Since they reside in tree holes in the wild while nesting and raising young. A small protected area is probably instinctual for them to be drawn to. Our grey loves to go into boxes, scratch and hang out at different times throughout the day. he does the same with various toys dragging them into the boxes either in his cage or one we have on the counter for him as well. It's cgreat that he likes going into his travel cage. :)

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