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Leaps and Bounds

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With loads of encouragement from other members of this forum, names withheld to protect the innocent (RAY), my bond with Morgan has taken on a new light.


For those who don't know his whole story - Morgan came to me at 4 months of age, still being hand fed and scared of his own shadow. Morgan integrated into the jungle of birds in my office making friends with Beau somewhat and hanging out on/in his cage. Progress has been slow, hand feeding stopped and his transition to pellets was good. Getting Morgan to eat fresh food has been a struggle, but we're making progress - I know this is not the normal attitude of a 'Zon. He's a very picky eater for some reason, but he loves his Harrison's and walnut's are his favorite treat.


As far as bonding goes, it's been hit and miss. Stepping up is a major no-no. Morgan cannot stand hands. He will use my shoulder to move from the rope door to his cage; cage to play stand; play stand to rope door, etc. I understand this and have not pushed the issue. If for some reason Morgan is on the floor he will step up on my hand, but this is rare as he is flighted so he really doesn't "need" me. Morgan talks to me though and we have that relationship. When I walk out with breakfast in the morning, he's the first to talk to me, is happy to see me and it shows in his enthusiasm when I set his bowl in. He plays and talks and is coming out of his shell more and more every day.


Some of the progresses - other than conversation, which has been key in our relationship, is Morgan now gives me kisses. He's always leaned toward me when he wants to be near me, but the most I could do was offer my shoulder or he would back away. I've slowly started pushing the issue with my nose on him. Taking the opportunities when I could to use my nose to go near his beak and softly snuggling his beak with my nose. Most of those opportunities were through cage bars and the progress has been noted. Morgan will gladly now snuggle my nose with his beak, through cage bars or out of his cage. This has progressed to kisses.


Kisses are a wonderful thing from Morgan. He likes to explore my upper lip and then go into beak snuggles with my nose. The hand though, that's a big scary thing! I had to try a different approach. I've used my index finger only to try to approach him when we get beak snuggles, and I've made progress slowly but only through the cage bars at night when saying goodnight. Obviously those bars protect him from the "hand." How do you go forward when you have such an issue?


Three days ago I tried something different, and really pushed the issue. It was night night time, and I was going through all the normal steps of night night, but something in Morgan was different. He was pushing up against my finger with beak snuggles. This was odd. So I opened the cage door. Well that went over like a lead balloon. Morgan quickly backed away, moving to the side of his cage. Still within reach I continued. I put my hand in there! OMG! Back of my hand up, fingers hanging down and just left it there, no movement. Well what seemed like forever went by and Morgan decided he was going to explore this "hand." WHAT? He beaked my fingers, explored my ring, and then started snuggling my index finger.


Did I expect this to continue? NO WAY! I have four children, 7 parrots, 3 dogs and I know what they do or like today, won't be the same tomorrow. But guess what, the next day Morgan got over on Beau's cage and started to lean. I was in my chair and slowly reached my hand up to him, backside up, fingers dangling and the little bugger snuggled my hand. Go figure. Wait though, it gets better. That night I tried the same thing again, and again I got snuggled. And again, I pushed my luck. I reached up and snuggled back with my hand, scratching the back of his head. OH MY! Did I ever get a reward. I had this little head snuggled up inside my hand with my fingers scratching the back of his neck and the top of his head. I literally cried. I had reached my baby 'Zon.


To say the least, I am over the moon. I've always loved Morgan, but I've reached him in a way I didn't think was ever going to happen. It's only been 7 months to be do something that the others have let me do from the beginning. Does this mean I'm going to stop pushing things with Morgan? Not in this lifetime.



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That is great news. When a zon turns the corner it is something special and you will always remember that moment and you will never take that relationship for granted.

The bond that you build with your zon will alwaye be differant than that of all the other birds. Not that you love them less but it will be differant and special from all the rest.

Because of Cricket I know more about myself and I have a deep understanding of her needs and wants and she has turned out to be so loveing and gentle.

Keep it up because you will never regret it.

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Thank you all for the sweet words of praise. I have always been blessed with patience, but I find it's the trust I have in myself on reading my birds that allows me to know when and when not to pursue something with them. Of course this confidence has only been brought out by the wonderful people on this forum.



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Be still my heart. It is so rewarding to know that others are making progress with their feathered companions and value every little postive move forward. I am here in my little corner of the world cheering you on and happy for Morgan to know your touch. There is nothing quite like the scent of feathers and the experience of feeling that sense of trust and adoration when they let down their guard and surrender to the love you have been waiting to bestow upon them with your attention and vigilance for waiting for the right moment. I am so happy for you and Morgan to have your moments.

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