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Air Conditioning?


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I hope this is the right room to post this in...


For our recent anniversary, my husband and I were given a portable air conditioning unit from his parents. Our central air has been broken for a few years, and so the idea of A/C in the approaching heat of summer is very welcome, indeed! Anyway, it is the type of machine that you can roll from room to room and plug in; my husband says he plans on venting the hot air back up into the existing vents and out of the house that way.


For some reason, though, I'm just wondering if an air conditioner like this would be safe to use around our boys? I don't ever plan on using it in the "birdroom", really just our bedroom and my gym and maybe the kitchen. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but does anyone know if this type of thing would be safe to use around parrots? Thank you in advance for any input...

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Just as long as any AC isn't directly aimed at birds,they're ok.


Thanks, Dave. :) I guess I was just wondering if any noxious gases come out of A/C units too, or something, that would make the air toxic for parrots like heated Teflon. But it sounds as though if we just keep the A/C unit away from the birdroom, everything should be okay!

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There is no teflon in home window ACs, portable ACs and home Central air systems. Industrial, commercial air systems do have teflon.

BUT, if home ACs DID HAVE TEFLON, it wouldn't be anything to worry about because teflon is only toxic to birds ( it's not toxic to people and other domestic animals) if the teflon is heated such as when cooking.

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As I've already said, Teflon is only harmfull when heated. Millions of people and pets are surrounded by teflon pots, pans, utensils and none of it is harmful until it's heated and when people use it for cooking, they don't get sick.

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Your article----2nd paragraph


****Unfortunately, it turns out that when Teflon is heated to over 600°, the coating can break down and release a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. The fumes can be fatal to pet birds. In humans, DuPont acknowledges, they can cause a reversible flulike condition called polymer-fume fever, first noted in the company's labs. In animals, though, PFOA can cause cancer, immune-system damage and death. And about 95% of all Americans have traces of PFOA in their blood.*****



Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1200779,00.html#ixzz1Ltqyeq6E

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