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Clutch Mates or Puppy Love?


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Here are some pics of Samba's and Kenya's nap time. Does this look like sibling or clutch mate behavior or do you think they are falling in birdie love? I can't find any information on the social behaviors of birds from the same clutch, they are only about a month apart in age. I haven't had either one of them sexed but I would think they would be too young to be behaving like mates. They love to cuddle, preen, and feed each other.






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I think the fact that they both are so young they are company for each other, they take comfort in each other presence such as a lone unweaned baby bird would with a stuffed animal that is usually provided, they are essentially growing up together, they still need their own cages and porobably more so as they get older but when out together they are adorable together as the pictures you shared show, thanks for sharing them with us.

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This is not uncommon for Grey's to befriend smaller birds.They look upon them as siblings. Spock has befriended our Sun Conurs for over a year now, Joey has done the same with our Green cheeks. They will need seperate sleeping cages when their older, they'll let you know when this time has come. other wise let the flock together......

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Those pictures are adorable. My lovebird has managed, through the use of great persistence, to forge a friendship with my baby Grey. They don't sleep together or share a cage, but they hang out together and the lovebird preens the Grey. Sometimes he even climbs on his back to preen him.

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I have been keeping the cage doors open when I am home and they always end up together. Usually they start out leaning against each other on a perch but if they happen to be in the Sun Conure's cage she will eventually move into her happy hut(which is why you can see traces of bird poo on my CAG's back.) Even in my bed they would rather cuddle with each other than me :( I feel bad when I have to separate them but I don't want anyone getting hurt. At the bird store we go to they have an Amazon and a Lesser Cockatoo sharing a cage and they told me they were raised together and that is how they are happiest, but they are much closer in size than my Samba and Kenya are.

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