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Greys and Their Wings


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I have an observation that I am hoping others can chime in on. As you know, I have 3 parrots. A tag, cag and amazon. All3 came to me clipped.:(. All have been given their wings and flying ability back.


But my cag, who was clipped until I got her, (age 2 and 1/2 years) took some time for her to be able to fly. As her wings were growing back, she would break off her flight feathers as they were growing in, so it took a while for her to be able to master flying.

When she is perched somewhere and get excited, she may be in her cage and see me and wants out, or she is perched near a window and looking outside, she puts her wings out and quivers as tho she wants to fly, but can't. of course she can and does, but it's as tho she forgot she can. Of course, it's always when she is somewhere she can't get to.

I am curious if anyone else ever sees this odd behavior in their birds, or is it just my Rikki?

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Breaking new wings that are coming in isn't unusual. Wings that are still growing in are very delicate. It's just another set back to a bird that's waiting to have the wings grow back and the wings do take a long time to grow back. That's another reason that birds can have accidents.

When she is perched somewhere and get excited, she may be in her cage and see me and wants out, or she is perched near a window and looking outside, she puts her wings out and quivers as tho she wants to fly, but can't. of course she can and does, but it's as tho she forgot she can.


***When she is perched somewhere and get excited, she may be in her cage and see me and wants out, or she is perched near a window and looking outside, she puts her wings out and quivers as tho she wants to fly, but can't.** There's nothing unusual about that. Even birds that have a full set of wings will sometimes quiver just before they take off. In your particular situation, the problem isn't bad because she;s not hurting herself. In other cases, the wings are so short that it's impossible for the bird to fly and crash lands on the floor. In those situations, people will need to put an old rug under the cage which will extend about 3 to 4 ft so when the bird ounces, the fall isn't as hard when the bird hits it.

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Corky my CAG will do the same thing and it`s like she can`t make up her mind to fly or not to fly. She will look all around the room like she can`t find the place that she wants.

Corky is over 10 tears old and has not been clipped for about 9 years. She is a great flyer. It`s like do I want to go there or do I want to go some place other than there.

Good question.

Cricket my BFA does not like to fly, she will walk or climb to get to the place she wants.

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Corky my CAG will do the same thing and it`s like she can`t make up her mind to fly or not to fly. She will look all around the room like she can`t find the place that she wants.

Corky is over 10 tears old and has not been clipped for about 9 years. She is a great flyer. It`s like do I want to go there or do I want to go some place other than there.

Good question.

Cricket my BFA does not like to fly, she will walk or climb to get to the place she wants.


Thanks Ray, that's exactly what it seems like! It's as tho she can't decide!! She is a very good flier, she is now 5 1/2 years old, so flying is not that new to her. Nice to know there are others who do the same. :)

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I have three parrots, Sully was clipped for over 7 1/2 years before I got him, and although he is fully flighted now he only flies from his cage to the floor or from the floor to the cage. He does not take flight unless I launch him off when I am holding him. My home is small and he is a big male ekkie so a few flaps are all he gets because he is so large. Louie my BFA, has always been flighted I have been told so he came to me flighted, but he is like a lumbering giant that is top heavy. He takes short flights, but then my home like I said each room is small. Now my TAG, Ana Grey came to me clipped and is a regular little missile after she became flighted after a year and can maneuver and turn corners no problem. She is amazing to watch. She is tiny and very fast. Ana Grey use to quiver before she could really fly. She would test her wings daily, she wanted to fly so much. She would quiver before she launched herself..... like in anticipation. And each time she became better. Now she is a wiz to watch.

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Sunny does this too Penny, she is capable of flight but only chooses to fly when spooked, she will be on my shoulder when in the family room and will see something in the sky and get spooked and fly into the other room where she will not fly back but wait for me to come and get her, its like she is capable but doesn't really know it until she gets spooked.

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