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How many use a "sleepy cage?"


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Hi all,

Going on 2 weeks since I got my Timneh who is a little over 5 months. Still waiting on DNA to name him/her. I sent it in on Wednesday, the wait and anticipation is TORTURE!! Anyway!


How many of you guys use sleepy cages for your grey? When I got him the breeder gave me a small cage approx 17x17x27..which is quite small but I knew it would take a bit to buy a new cage so he used it for a little over a week. Well his new cage came last Friday. http://www.petco.com/product/112987/Marvelous-Pet-Supplies-Veranda-Open-Top-Bird-Cage.aspx?CoreCat=MM_BirdSupplies_CagesStands (which I totally love by the way, I got the black/gray...quite roomy!! VERY well made, I was impressed! I did not get one with a play top because I am planning on having several tree's for each room) So far he LOVES the cage but the first night I was afraid to leave him sleep in it and I did not have anything to cover it. Plus I was thinking since the cage is located in the living room and usually someone is awake watching tv till 10-11pm. I decided to place the smaller cage in my closet(large walk-in) where he could sleep and where it is more quiet because I know these birds need 10+ hours of sleep. Is this a good plan? Anyone else do this? I have been doing this for a week and he seems to like the routine. I usually put him to bed at 8:45 and get him up at 6:45(I leave for work at 7:15) Just curious what others do!!

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We do not use sleep cage and our grey(CAG) and our amazon (BFA) and are cockatiels are kept in our great room that we spend 99% of our time in.

We just cover them with a dark sheet at nite. Thats what works in our house because it`s a large room (kitchen, dinning room and living room) and they have section just for them.

Some times we are up late and we just turn out the lights in their part of the room and cover them and that works for us.

Some of the members use sleep cages and some have bird rooms for their birds. It`s what ever works for you and your birds.

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We don't use a sleep cage. For the birds that are in the separate bird room, we just turn out the lights. For the birds that are in the dining room, we cover them with a dark, opaque cover and then try to keep the noise down after that. The one exception is the cockatoo. She is in the bird room, but we also cover her cage lightly when we put her away for the night. That way she knows that we're all done and won't keep begging to be taken out for one more cuddle before bed.

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Welcome to the Grey't Grey Forums...What a beautiful baby you have. If I may, I don't wish to be a party-pooper...but please don't feed your precious baby peanuts in the shell (monkey nuts). If you wish to feed peanuts, feed roasted unsalted canned peanuts slated for human consumption. The reason is that peanuts are actually legumes and they can contain a mold/fungus that can cause Aspergillosis. This can cause severe medical problems and death. Almonds, hazel nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts in the shell are all great for our little guys. Sorry, I had to say something.

A sleeping cage is a choice that one makes depending on the environment that your fid is kept in. Our little guys need 11-12 hours of quiet dark sleep a day. If the cage is located in a room that is somewhat noisy, even covering won't help. Two of our giant fids (LOL) have sleeping cages of their own choosing because our birds are free-flighted and free for up to 14 hours a day. Two of our other rescues were raised in large cages but our large bird room goes dark and quiet at 9pm each night. Covering also depends on location. If you are in a room with even temperature, with nothing to startle them and no sudden flashes of light, then a cover is not necessary unless the bird deems that it needs one. 12 hours of quiet noiseless sleep is essential to the health and well-being of our feathered friends. Love your baby!!

Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock...What a wonderful parront you'll be......

Edited by Jayd
corrected spelling
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A closet sounds bad, but maybe it's bigger than my 8 x 8 bird room! A nightlight is important to help prevent night fright. What an adorable baby he/she is! Your little friend is probably going to need a few more toys of all different varieties and another perch or ladder or swing.

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Welcome to the Grey't Grey Forums...What a beautiful baby you have. If I may, I don't wish to be a party-pooper...but please don't feed your precious baby peanuts in the shell (monkey nuts). If you wish to feed peanuts, feed roasted unsalted canned peanuts slated for human consumption. The reason is that peanuts are actually legumes and they can contain a mold/fungus that can cause Aspergillosis. This can cause severe medical problems and death. Almonds, hazel nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts in the shell are all great for our little guys. Sorry, I had to say something.


Thanks! Actually...I had already read an article on this and immediately threw them away! Why oh why do the pet stores sell them!?!?! Kind of frustrating, I may have never known!


A closet sounds bad, but maybe it's bigger than my 8 x 8 bird room! A nightlight is important to help prevent night fright. What an adorable baby he/she is! Your little friend is probably going to need a few more toys of all different varieties and another perch or ladder or swing.


I know, a closet sounds bad LOL! I do have a night light, its a large closet that has outlets. Oh yes, he has more toys! That picture was taken the same day I set up the cage. I am slowly adding more toys, perches etc. He is a little slow at accepting things LOL!

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I have 3 birds. My tag uses a fairly large sleep cage that is in my bedroom. My other 2 sleep downstairs in their own cage. All3 are covered with a dark sheet. The reason my tag has an upstairs sleep cage is because she was my oldest son's bird and was kept in his room in her cage, but in the daytime when we left the house, I felt bad putting her upstairs in her room away from the tv, other pets, etc. So I had a downstairs play cage for her. When I moved, I kept this arrangement as that is what she was used to. I think maybe she feels special sleeping with me in my room...

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