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Mean, Green, Eating Machine...


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Well, the Sausage (Salsa, as Jay calls her), has turned into quite a character....Her latest antics are to fly over to Jay, and while she is perched on his shoulder, Jay will put his hand on her back. She then flops over on her back and beg to be scritched. She will walk around the house in his hand, wanting to be tickled and scritched. Then all of a sudden, she will latch out with her beak on his thumb and flip herself back upright. Then she will fly up to his neck, take a big pinch and then fly over to Joey's cage, saying "Salsa's a GOOOD GIRL!" while Jay is yelling "my neck!! My neck!!"

Joey's fed up with her antics...Salsa loves to play in Joey's cage with his toys...hanging upside down, swinging back and forth like Tarzan while screaming at the top of her lungs. Joey must have had a bad day that day because all of a sudden, he climbed in his cage and started nipping at her tail. I had to rescue poor Salsa and Joey stood guard for the next few hours to ensure that Salsa did not dare re-enter. Now Joey is back to normal and unless he wants to go in his cage, he will let her go in and play all she wants.

Salsa loves to go to eat and play in Tango's cage and this time, Tango caught her and trapped her...this time she really was scared and so were we...whew! I had to calm Tango down enough to pick her up with one hand and get Salsa out with the other...What an ordeal! It only slowed her down for a couple of minutes.

She mimics some of the sounds and whistles that Joey and Spock makes and has learned to cluck like a chicken so when we sing "Old McDonald had a Farm", she makes the chicken sounds. (Cluck-Cluck)...


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If I were a bird... I might be a Salsa sausage. LOL. I love her! And now Jay is in the same category as Dan with the wicked neck pinch. I don't know why that tickles my funny bone but I imagine when my time comes it won't be near as funny. Oh, come to think of it, yes it will. Hahahahaha. At least from your perspective maybe I can see what it is like for the rest of my loved ones to live with the bit of Salsa in me.

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