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birdroom bad news


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Sooo upset:(


I'm seriously thinking about repainting the room a solid color. Slater just hates the room. I haven't moved them in yet and won't for another week our so. Maybe I'm just not giving him enough time and being too impatient. He won't eat his his favorite treat when in there all he does is look for an escape route. Perhaps it is the echo in the room, maybe it's the tree branches, heck I don't know.


We go into the room several times when I get home from work. He holds a death grip on my hand, he leans and his eyes are huge.



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Don't give up quite yet as yes it is all new to him but you haven't given him enough time, take him into the room slowly several times a day and spend more time in it each time, pretend you are having a great time and explain what you have done with the room to him as he may understand more that way. I would hate for you to have to paint over what you have done so far, I think he will get used to it and maybe if some of his favorite things are in there will help in the process.

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Remember they are slow to accept change in diet, in toys, in routine and in their environment. This is a survival skill for them in the wild- to be aware , be alert to danger as they can be on another critters menu. It will take time but he will adjust, you act normal and happy and he will make the adjustment, albeit slowly.

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Awww. You've put so much time and love into it and it's wonderful. Don't give up yet.


What if you were to set up his play stand in the hallway just outside the room while you work on it, and he can watch and get used to it from the outside looking in?

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Remember they are slow to accept change in diet, in toys, in routine and in their environment. This is a survival skill for them in the wild- to be aware , be alert to danger as they can be on another critters menu. It will take time but he will adjust, you act normal and happy and he will make the adjustment, albeit slowly.


Yes. I do have ro keep reminding myself. Thanks

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You have to have a lot of patience when working with greys as Jill pointed out they are cautious creatures who do not take to change easily but they will in time and soon you will be sharing pictures of them enjoying their new room, can't wait to see it.

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You have to have a lot of patience when working with greys as Jill pointed out they are cautious creatures who do not take to change easily but they will in time and soon you will be sharing pictures of them enjoying their new room, can't wait to see it.


I can't wait to share those pictures.

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I looked at your pictures and I may have figured out part of the problem. It's totally adorable except for the vines on the trees remind me of snakes. Maybe if you painted a few leaves on them here and there they would be less scary. I dunno, maybe I'm just weird. Well, yes I am weird, but maybe it will help. :)

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