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Welcome David!!


You have a CAG home now, that's great.


Since you have been reading topics here and don't seem to have any questions immediately....How old is your CAG?


We love photos here, so when you get a chance, please post some of your new CAG. :-)


We look forward to hearing more from you.

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Guest Monique

Hi David!! I'm glad you came out of "lurk" mode to introduce yourself!!! :) I hope to hear more about you and your Grey. What an exciting time!!! :)

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Welcome to the family, David, we are so glad you finally decided to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing more about your grey, like his name, sex, how old and how long you have had him.:cheer:


Why don't you give us a little more information about yourself and this CAG you have aquired. You are welcome to post a photo if you have one, we would love to see him.:P


As you mentioned, we do have a lot of information here in the various topics and threads, but feel free to ask specific questions you may have.:)

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Thanks for all the support. Now you guys are becoming "real" to me. Funny, how you read posts and people move from characters to actual people. Anyway, I will upload pics soon. My CAG's name is Otis. I don't know his/her sex, and I am not planning on finding out anytime soon. It really doesn't matter to me, but I refer to Otis as he. He was born May 4th in Ojai, CA and I have been with him since he was an egg. I hand fed him at the breeder and brought him home when he was down to one a day (I fed him from a spoon until a couple weeks ago). He doesn't have his wings clipped and loves to fly. My breeder made me promise I would never clip and I never intend to. He doesn't talk yet, but has learned to step up, give kisses, and never poops on me. I've wanted a parrot companion since I was a kid and now at 36 I feel I am ready. I will keep you guys posted. Again, Thanks.

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