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Simon and Kazoo are recovering from the vet


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I took them for their first Well Bird Checkup today. The vet was great, but the birds were both pretty stressed by all the toweling and poking and stuff, and I was stressed by their distress.


She said Kazoo's a bit overweight (4 on a 1-5 scale, with 3 being perfect) and Simon's a bit lean (2 on the same scale). Other than that, she didn't see anything wrong with them. She did blood tests and fecal exams and various other tests, including a crop swab and DNA sexing for Kazoo. She recommended changing their diets so that pellets make up a larger proportion of their food intake. (Simon prefers homemade food - mash and fruits and veggies and birdie bread - to pellets.)


The total (gulp) was $841. But she spent almost an hour and a half with us and seemed pretty thorough.


The birds were both so good. They stepped up nicely when she asked, and they didn't bite anybody. But they were both so disheveled looking when it was over - they looked like they'd been through the ringer and their downy feathers were everywhere. Poor guys. They were very quiet after I got them home. They just sat on their perches and looked liked they were deep in thought and processing the whole experience. They only ate their favourite parts of dinner, and went to bed early. Is that normal?

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Here's the breakdown:




6-mth exam: $89

Blood sexing: $54

Maxi Blood Panel: $110

CBC: $81

Fecal Gram Stain: $44

Blood Collection: $40

Crop Smear: $75



6mth exam: $89

Blood collection: $40

CBC: $81

Fecal Gram Stain: $44


TOTAL: $745

plus taxes: $97.11

TOTAL TOTAL: $844.11


The sexing was a luxury because I just would like to know. And the crop swab was because I'm worried about Kazoo throwing up this clear thick slimy fluid almost every day. Everything else was just 'routine' and recommended by the vet.


Do you think I got taken to the cleaners?

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Yeah. Vets in general here are very expensive. I can find more affordable vets in the rural areas around the city, but as far as I know there are no avian vets other than the one I took them to.


Simon's back to normal today, but Kazoo is still very quiet and wants to be left alone. He came out of his cage for a bit, but just sat on top of it. He didn't want to fly or play or socialize or anything. I'm worried that maybe he thinks he can't trust me anymore. We've only been together for six months, and our relationship has been one of gradually increasing trust. This is the first time he's pulled back from that.


I hope he doesn't hold it against me forever.

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Kazoo's already starting to come round. He's still a little distant, but he did step up earlier and let me take him out of his cage and put him on the boing. And then he went and hung out in his favourite cupboard for awhile, and that cheered him up too. And he was happy when I delivered a peanut to him.


No kisses or cuddles yet, but I think he's starting to forgive me. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The vet called yesterday with all the test results. Kazoo's results were all normal, including liver function and crop swab. (And I had already been told by the receptionist that Kazoo was a girl, so that was the most exciting part.)


Simon has a very slight infection which was detected in his fecal analysis. It doesn't require antibiotics, just two tsps of organic apple cider vinegar in every two cups of water for a few weeks. Other than that, all his tests were fine too.


It cost me a fortune to find out they're both fine, but I'm so glad they are.

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