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3 week old with broken leg?

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Hi everyone,


I'm about to buy an African Grey, and I'm really looking forward to it! It'll be my first bird ever.


I found a really nice and knowledgeable breeder in the area. She seems to know exactly what she's doing, has been breeder CAGs for 30 years, and has been honest and forthright with me. Part of that being honest and forthright was telling me that the baby I have my eye set on has a small problem with his/her leg. While nesting with its parents, the leg apparently broke; it seems to have set and healed completely, and the hatchling uses it without an issue, but it definitely looks a little funny. Like, it has a weird little bend right above the foot.


She's assured me this won't be a problem, and she's taking it to the vet on Tuesday just to be doubly sure. But I wanted to know if this is something I should consider a dealbreaker or if it's really a non-issue. I don't intend to show the bird, so I don't care if it isn't physically perfect... I just don't want it to have developmental problems or need birdie-crutches or something. ;)



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Greys are remarkable birds and can adapt to much more severe injuries so should do well. Impressed that your breeder seems to be quite up front, some shoddy ones would have glossed over the leg issue or just ignored it. I would see if the Vet has any remarks or advice after examining the bird just for your benefit. As she said the legs should be fine but I suggest having the babies Calcium levels checked to be certain that all is well metabolically to avoid any future fractures.

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Jill has given you some good advice, the leg will never be the same as before but this grey will learn to get around as well as any other grey and just because it is not perfect it still needs a good home, I know some would just turn their back on just such a grey, I look forward to hearing more about this grey, you are going to get this one aren't you?

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I like that you are taking this into thoughtful consideration and think it is a great idea to have a vet consult personally either at the same time when the breeder is there, or afterward to ease your concerns as well as to prepare you for the commitment to any bird. I also agree that your breeder deserves much credit for being forthright and for taking the little one to the vet for further assessment. There is no guarantee that the most perfect baby coming home won't have medical needs in the future. If you are prepared and conscious of that your vet will give you the prognosis of lifelong impact on the leg injury so you have the best information to base your ultimate decision. Those tiny babies are fragile, but it sounds like yours not only overcame this injury and came out with a great attitude to attract your attention. It sounds like your heart already made your decision, but it is very wise to look into it with your head as well. Thank you so much for coming in to join us and for your due diligence. My gut feeling is that you will find yourself trying to remember which leg (?) when your little fledgling gets into all sorts of mischief. Hope it all works out and you and the little one you were drawn to are a team.

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Thanks for the advice everyone... I am indeed going to be getting this grey. When I saw him/her for the first time my heart just melted, though I must admit when I saw it with its skin all shiny and pink the only thing I could think of was the smallest Thanksgiving turkey ever. ;) And the loudest and warmest, I couldn't believe how hot it felt in my hands, or how much chirping it made! It is unfortunately an only clutchmate, but I have some really adorable pictures of it cuddling a stuffed teddybear that the breeder put in there so it would have some emotional support.


I already have a deposit on this bird, but the breeder and I have established that if the veterinarian determines the leg to be a real issue, I will be receiving my deposit back and we'll take things from there. I should be hearing back from her later today or tomorrow, fingers crossed!

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The vet got back to the breeder today... he said that most likely the parents sat on the chick while he was nesting and broke the leg. It's totally healed though, and shouldn't pose any kind of long-term disability. I'm going back to visit him on Sunday... he'll be four weeks old, and apparently he's more than doubled in size than last I saw him. Only seven or eight more weeks until I can take him home! Thanks for the support, everyone!


Oh, and there was no calcium deficiency in the chick... must've just been overzealous parenting...

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Oh, and there was no calcium deficiency in the chick... must've just been

overzealous parenting...

Probably so and he should do just fine as he won't know he is any different, so glad to hear you are giving him a home, they do grow quickly and I know you can hardly wait until he is ready to come to his new home.

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I have a handicapped grey named Cody , Cody will be a year old July 7th , his leg was broke in the nest box and it healed crooked but he gets around great you could never tell it unless you are looking at his leg believe me it doesn't slow him down one bit the only type of perch Cody has trouble with is a Boing anything else he can climb with ease plus he is fully flighted , the vet told me to keep him fully flighted it would help with his balance , Cody is a happy spoiled grey and we just love him so much

Congrads on your new baby you will love him no matter what :)

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