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HELP!Grey turned to black


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I'm new here.

I have a Grey.

She's one year old.

Her body turned to black recently,and a few weather turned to red.

There is less weather near her ears, and I can see her big ear holes clearly.

Is she sick?


Thank you!

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With many greys, the inner part of the iner and outer feathers may be darker. With others it doesn't happen. There's nothing wrong with the color differences. Many times it accentuates each feather. That's what's happening to your bird's feathers. There's other grey that have that darkness throughout the whole feather.

As far as the red color, that's just an abundance of the red color that's in the tail. Loads of greys have that and it can show itself here and there in no particular order. Some birds lose those red feathers when molting. With others, it's permanent. Again, there's nothing to worry about.

As far as dander (powder) it won't be laying on the skin. it's located on and in the feathers. It goes away with baths and it comes back very quickly. Again, nothing to worry about unless you see that skin raw and picked on. That's a sign of dryness which can happen to birds that aren't bathed periodically.

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With many greys, the inner part of the iner and outer feathers may be darker. With others it doesn't happen. There's nothing wrong with the color differences. Many times it accentuates each feather. That's what's happening to your bird's feathers. There's other grey that have that darkness throughout the whole feather.

As far as the red color, that's just an abundance of the red color that's in the tail. Loads of greys have that and it can show itself here and there in no particular order. Some birds lose those red feathers when molting. With others, it's permanent. Again, there's nothing to worry about.

As far as dander (powder) it won't be laying on the skin. it's located on and in the feathers. It goes away with baths and it comes back very quickly. Again, nothing to worry about unless you see that skin raw and picked on. That's a sign of dryness which can happen to birds that aren't bathed periodically.


Thank you very much.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I mean I can't see any powder when she is preening. I have another Grey myself, I can see lots of powder flying when he is preening.

From the bigest photo, you can see some new feathers are growing.

I am very worry about PBFD, is this an incurable disease?

I had planed to have a test of PBFD, but if it's true, what can I do for her then? I am very very worried.

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If your bird is diagnosed with PBFD, the Vet can determine how serious it is and suggest treatment. Serious cases can sometimes be fatal. With others, the disease seems to go away. The bird looks healthy but actually the bird becomes a * carrier* which means that it can be passed on to other birds.

We aren't vets here. We can't suggest treatments. You shouldn't go to extremes though. You're thinking about the worst things only. First you've gotta go to a vet.

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