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What to feed my grey?


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I have had my grey for about 4 months now (he is about 6mo - 1year old) and he is on Zupreem pellets.


I have tried giving him carrots lettuce and other greens/veggies and all he does is throw them around lol, he doesn't eat them.


He likes apples and oranges but I shouldn't be giving him those EVERY day so I do not (or should I?)


What should I do or what should I try to feed him // when and how much?


ie. What is a good break feast for him? Are pellets alright for dinner? or what should I give for dinner?


And how do I get him to actually eat them instead of tossing them around lol







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Hi rE,


When I decided to make the solid commitment to step foot into the world of parronthood, I made myself a promise. That I was not going to allow this to be something that I didn't do to the fullest of my abilities, and no matter how hard, or tedious I was going to do the research and give it 200%. So that being said, I think that I read so many things online, and articles in Bird Talk magazine that my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Talk about over saturation, there are SO many various opinions on raising your parrot, and what to feed, what not to feed, how much etc. There are a ton of WISE and Experienced people on here, and they know what they are talking about. So this is definitely a huge resource.... also there is something I stumbled upon awhile back. A woman who is an inspiration in so many ways to the parrot world, and the animal world in general. Her blog parrot nation, shows so many avenues and options for recipes, and it comes with Videos!! I myself would love if everything came with a dvd, but hey, even with all the technological breakthroughs, we aren't quite there yet, so I will deal with some nice youtube options.


She, with the help of several subscribers to her blog, came up with an amazing recipe for "chop"... and birds LOVE it! I have made almost all of her recipes for my boys, and even for my coworkers tiels, and they can't get enough! The coolest thing is, it is saturated with super foods! so click on this link, and give her blog a shot, and see what you think. I hope that you will find the information in her site, as informative and insightful as I have!




Please let me know what you think!


and p.s. she is a writer for Bird Talk Magazine and the author of the regular feature "A memo to Parker and Pepper"

Edited by bran
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I've been making mash and chop for my guys, but the avian vet tells me they'd be better off on a quality pellet (she recommends Harrisons because it's organic) with veggies and fruits offered on the side if I want.


She says it's really hard to ensure they're getting all the vitamins and especially minerals they need with a homemade diet, no matter how healthy.


I was disappointed. I like cooking for them.

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A grey made not always try something new just because you give to them, but don`t stop giveing it to them in time they will try it. Also let them see you eating the greens and vegetables. If my birds aee me eating them they will come over and try it. Some times a grey will take their time to decide they like something. Just keep trying new things.and they will come around.

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i make birdie bread and "hide" stuff in it so that they're getting it and don't know they are! with each batch i add more stuff and use less batter. i also keep giving them "dinner" everyday with a variety of things, green beans, sweet potato, carrots, cheese, fruit, etc, just depends on what i've got on had and in the freezer. kallie is great about trying new stuff, athena not so much! but i keep offering and hope someday athena will finally decide she likes something in her dinner, hahahaha!

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I've been making mash and chop for my guys, but the avian vet tells me they'd be better off on a quality pellet (she recommends Harrisons because it's organic) with veggies and fruits offered on the side if I want.

She says it's really hard to ensure they're getting all the vitamins and especially minerals they need with a homemade diet, no matter how healthy.

I was disappointed. I like cooking for them.

I'm sorry, I can't agree with your vet. Browse the web, you'll find to many avian specialist who do not agree with "Pellet only diets". If you feed your fid a natural diet of veggies, legumes, grains, nuts and some fruit, supplement that with 1/8 a cup of good pellets and seeds, your fid won't be lacking anything...Mashes, smashes, fresh, works.....MINIMAL SALT, SUGAR, PROPER FAT AND PROTIEN WE ALLNEED, INCLUDING OUR FIDS......P.S. Theres very few pellet trees in the wild....

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There are some negative effects to an all pellet diet as well, now we are seeing cases of early kidney & liver disease as well as some neurologic issues such as toe tapping and weak perch grip showing up in birds who have been on a pellet only diet. Hopefully they manufacturers have changed these products enough to make them safer now but I feed home made food, organic when possible, fresh as much as possible and supplement with both some seed mix and some pelleted foods offered. Just in case of any unforeseen issues-(flood, storm, earthquakes, manufacturer going out of business ect.)these birds will have a wide range of foods they can accept rather than being limited to one thing and failure to be able to get it resulting in a hungry bird.

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