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Lets vote!!!!!


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I agree, looks like Ray is the winner, but he deserves the comments and responces from the voters. Please show Ray the respect he deserves.... Voting is over on the 5th....Jayd...

Note: Salsa doesn't qualify because shes an immediate family member...

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Greetings, Spock here...I cast my vote for Cricket, even though she's green. Besides, I love peanut butter too and I have to stare at Salsa's messy face at every meal, 24/7/365.

Hello, I am Joey...I can't vote but Salsa, besides being messy is noisy. I assume all these green 'Zons are that way...

Hi! Tango baby at your service..."What's happening?" Oh, a vote...for me? No? Ok! Salsa is obnoxious, irritating, dive-bombs me and I vote, she should be kept in the other room with the little birds (the squawkers). Cricket's quiet...or at least her picture is...I can't vote? Fine! There's my two cents anyway!

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Nilah here, Cricket has my vote! I wanted to enter, but my mom didn't make anything messy.... I love the picture of My friend Cricket!!!!! Does your dad wipe your beak off like my mom does? Or does he let you wipe it off on his shirt????? :)

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