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Hello Qtmomo112 and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Congrats on adopting an older bird, is this your first grey or first parrot?

You will find loads of useful information in the threads here so be sure to read them thoroughly and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

One thing to stress is allow this grey to settle into his/her new home and get comfortable, don't push for more than he/she is willing to give and let the bonding process begin, it takes time to build trust as it must be earned so let him/her set the pace and enjoy your grey.

Pictures would be most welcome.

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Yes, welcome! :)


Judygram covered the basics very well, so I'll just add: What is your Grey's name? Male or female? Did they come from a happy home or one not so happy? The little details can help everyone here give you advice that may be more appropriate for your circumstances, too.

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ok thanks..

well first off his name is mango, he is about 5 years old and i will be his 3rd owner. after the loss of my very young love bird, he was given to me from a family member who had 5 greys in an outdoor aviary and wanting to down size, gave me a grey. im not absolutely sure he's a male but the previous owners believe he is. hes seems very mellow and has been eating and accepting food from my hand. he already has some words in his vocabulary and has been talking to me often. i havent attempted to pick him up yet but he does let me rub his back and puts his head down for me to scratch him. he also has been coming out and sitting on top of his cage whenever he gets the chance. ive been making him toys to occupy him because our location is remote and doesnt have any sort of bird store. he is the first grey i have ever had and i havent cared for a parrot since i was very young.... well thanks for any pointers!!

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