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Hello everyone. I'm new to this site. Seems to be a very cool and informative site. My CAG's name is Kali. She is a very unique character like most greys. She has her flight feathers and comes on command, well, most of the time ;)

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Welcome to the family, Kali, glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about your grey. We have a wide assortment of topics and threads, feel free to read thru them, I am sure you will find a lot of useful information.


All greys are magnificient creatures, and yours is no exception, please share a photo of Kali if you wish, we would love to see her.:)

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Hi Kali,


I want to welcome you to the forum. How old is your Grey?

Everyone here is very friendly, and very knowledgeable. You will find lots of support, and info here also.

Look around the different rooms, and don't be shy. We are all happy to have you here.


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Thanks for the warm welcome all :) Actually my name is Gordon and my Grey's name is Kali. She is 4yrs old, talks up a storm and loves hanging out with me. I let her flight feathers grow in and she loves to come find me. Looking forward to visiting the site!

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Guest Monique

Hello Gordon and Kali!! If you have achieved her coming to you on command most of the time then you have achieved something wonderful indeed!!! :) How long have you had her? How did you teach her that? How old is she?


Look forward to hearing about your adventures together!!

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Hi Monique, I've had her for about 2yrs. She was 2yrs. when I got her. Teaching her was a matter of repition. Since she loves to hang out with me I would just stand about 10ft away and give her a hand signal and say come. She is quite the acrobat and does weird contortions in her cage. She is stubborn though and a fighter;)

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