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Getting Grey on Decent Food!


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Okay, the grey I got from my parents is currently eating very cheap parrot food/seeds. I've already started supplementing his seeds with fresh food..generally what me and the husband eat he gets a taste of. I would really like to get him off this crap..as it has peanuts and sunflower seeds in it..plus..he doesn't seem to be very happy with it as a whole. What is a good diet for these guys? I want to switch him over very slowly as he's been on this stuff for a number of years.


What would be a good start for veggies and fruits and such, and how often do I feed them to him? Also..pellets..or a different seed?

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Yes, most definitely get your baby on a different diet. Harrison's diet is a great one. I don't know of a 'seed' mix I would recommend. That's not to say a peanut as a treat is necessarily a bad thing. It just shouldn't be a big part of the main diet. Also, you have to be careful what you feed your bird as far as 'human' foods go. What kind of people food are you giving? Many things are considered 'safe', but be careful of fat content, sugars and salt. Fruits are great.. banana, grapes, apple, oranges etc. Veggies are even better. Greens, broccoli, carrots (cooked is better for carrots and other orange veggies), sweet potato etc.. all good.


If your grey has been on a seed mix exclusively for quite a while, I would give as much veggies and fruits he would eat for now. Also, some whole grain, no sugar added organic cereal is good.


Good luck to you on changing his/her diet. Sometimes, it's a really hard thing to do. Hoping your baby isn't 'too' picky.

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Fresh or frozen veggies is a good start. In winter we buy frozen mixed veggies and she has some in her food dish every day and in the summer it`s freah.

she also has some chicken leg bone with some meat on it and hamburger, pasta and a little fruit. We use Roudybush pellets for our grey. Cheerios makes a nice treat out of the box. There are many things you can use to mix it up and it may take time to chang her over just keep giveing her a veriety and eat with her. My birds will try anything they see me eat.

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Okay, I went out to the store today and got Leo some veggies (frozen and a fresh bell pepper) and I plan on introducing him to some of the veggies in the mix (corn..potatos..umm celery carrots and pearl onions) sometime in the next few days. Can he eat these defrosted, or should they be cooked? Also, would it make any sense at all to toss some egg noodles in there since he seems to love them so much? I've not yet looked into the main diet food..waiting on some cash to get that ordered. Onions are okay for birds, right? I can't quite remember if its just dogs and cats..

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Don't think you have to rinse off the other vegetables but also can't hurt.


In the Bird Food forum are some very helpful sticky threads at the very top of the forum that you should read. One lists all the best foods (but not exclusive foods) and one list all the toxic foods- that is a must read because you will see onions on that list and others you may not have thought of beforehand. The one on nutrition is important for any grey owner.


I'm a new grey owner myself, had her for about 6-7 months now, and after someone suggested the Sticky threads at the beginning of each lounge, I went through them all. Very helpful, very informative, answers a lot of questions you may have and even more you haven't thought of asking.


And I'm still having trouble feeding Took all the right foods, she is very picky and under weight (just slightly but even that is too much). She doesn't like vegetables but they are best for her, I have to disguise Harrison's and most still end up on the floor. She doesn't even care for a seed mix. The vet told me to geta little bit more weight on her but she is so fussy. Be prepared! Some greys are picky. She loves shredding so I've tried to do that to encourage her to eat right but it doesn't put on the weight she needs. The only she eats with any zest are high protien foods. The little girl is on an Atkins diet! Eggs, chicken, veal, beef- she loves it. But she only gets that every other day

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