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A Full Night With Marcus


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It all started tonight when I was getting the boys ready for bed at 9:30, their normal bedtime (Beaker gets cranky otherwise). I had just put Marcus' refilled water bowl back in his cage and was securing his door when he threw out the garbled, "mumble-mumble STAY HERE?"


It took me a moment to figure out exactly what he said, so I told him I was just putting his water back, and Mommy couldn't stay because it was his bedtime, and Marcus had to stay in his cage (as you see, I covered all of my bases in my reply!). At that moment my hubby called in from the other room something about, "Oh, but he wants to stay up!" So guess who got a postponed bedtime?


My husband jumped in the shower around that point, too, which made Marcus very excited. I had closed the door of the boys' bedroom, and Marcus--on top of his cage by then--was going on and on about the water, how my husband was "over there" (presumably referring to the bathroom), things like that. At one point Marcus got so excited that he climbed down to the floor and ran over to the door and essentially 'stood on his head' to try and see under the door, in the direction of the bathroom! So I told him, "Daddy will come here AFTER his shower is over. He'll come in here and play the flapping game with you."


Marcus said, "OoooOOOoooh!" (The flapping game is when a bath towel becomes wings for a human. 'Nuff said!) ;)


Marcus was playing around the bottom of the door again so I told him in my best 'be careful' tone, "Mischa can bite you [i meant 'swipe at you'] if you're too close to the door!" And Marcus immediately jumped backward away from the door; I was pleased to see his reaction.


Then there was the sound of the water shutting off, and Marcus said some more mumbly stuff that seemed to pertain to my husband coming in the room, and he ran back to the closed door when he heard my husband's footsteps. As Marcus tries to run out into the rest of the house so often (and it's not always bird-proofed in terms of the cats), I said to Marcus, "Daddy won't open the door unless you're on top of your cage, Marcus. Right, Daddy?" My husband promptly reiterated what I said, and Marcus raced up to the cage top--it was really cute!


The flapping game came next, and Marcus had a ball stretching out his wings w-i-i-i-i-d-e while my husband flapped the towel all around. He (Marcus) was in rare form! Sometime later, after I excused myself from the room so Marcus and Beaker and their daddy could all have 'guy time' together, I realized it was quite after the boys' normal bedtime, so my husband left the room again and I started putting the boys 'back to bed'.


Marcus looked at me through the cage bars. "Stay here?"


"I can't stay here, it's your bedtime."


"You'll like it!"


I just looked at him. How could I say no? My husband said he has me wrapped around his 'little finger' as I announced that "Daddy is setting the timer for ten minutes" and after that--bedtime FOR REAL. But Marcus kept his word. I did like it; he was in uber-love mode, and he requested two or three songs (by humming) and let me pet him and tickle him and kiss him and touch his feet and everything except have him step-up. ;)


So we had a full night together, and it was wonderful, and I just wanted to share! <3

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Aww, that was such a sweet update. I am glad you let him stay up a little later and I am glad you stayed too. We will have to have a rendition of the flapping game here. I love when we talk to our birds and ask them for what we want and they are so happy to please us that they oblige. He and Beaker sound like a lot of fun, I want to "stay here" too.

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Smart and listens! Moves away from the door when you warn him about the cats, runs on top of his cage so your husband can enter- Took is so defiant. She NEVER listens and then gets mad when things don't go her way!

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Smart and listens! Moves away from the door when you warn him about the cats, runs on top of his cage so your husband can enter- Took is so defiant. She NEVER listens and then gets mad when things don't go her way!


Oh, believe me, he was just in a very special mood last night. I've never heard him that chatty all at once, and NEVER before has he minded me telling him about the cats! So I think it was just a lovely night--hopefully one that will be repeated after a fashion, and often!


Thank you, everyone, for all of your sweet comments! :) :) :)

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