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Pet Stores...


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When I was in high school, I worked at the tri-state chain Petland Discounts. When I worked there I had convinced my manager to make a thousand changes, and all the animals were well cared for.


Then my manager was fired and a new manager was hired, who hated me for being a part time employee. She changed everything and made it so bad that I had to quit before I did some of the things she wanted me to.


Well, anyway, I went to the same Petland a few days ago to buy some bird toys for my 'tiel, when I decided to wander around for a bit, in a nostalgic sort of sense.


There was a different manager, and none of the people I worked with were there (this was only about four or five years ago).


The "small" animals were in horrible condition! The water bottles were all empty, the cages were smelly, and you could see urine residue on the side of the tanks. I told someone working there that the water bottles were empty, and he said "oh we don't clean cages until tomorrow." and walked away!


The bird cages weren't any better. A bare-eyed cockatoo was in the "large" bird cage (it's basically like a small closet with glass all around...a large manzanita tree fit inside) begging all the customers for attention. The cockatiels were three to a parakeet cage, an african grey was in a cage that was only slightly larger with no toys and one dowel perch.


I wanted to cry. I've reported these stores before (including when I was working there) and was told they fit the "minimum requirements for selling live animals!


Sorry if this was long winded, but I felt awful. If one sixteen year old girl (at the time) was able to care for 50+ animals three days a week, certainly a whole store full of employees could do it!


I wish the animal feed store on Staten Island sold bird toys. :(

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Oh...that's sad. I don't know what to say. I'm tempted to buy birds (and fish too) when I see them living in inadequate conditions at the pet store. But then I fear that it would just encourage the stores if they benefited from the pity purchase.


But to leave a live animal without water because "we clean the cages tomorrow"? That's abuse. Plain and simple. I'd call them on it. I'd stand there and loudly accuse them of abusing animals by not providing water. (Honestly, I like to think I'd do that. In reality, it would depend on my mood. Sometimes I'm shy...)

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We were at a PetSmart for cat food and litter. My husband saw me looking at bird toys and told me we wouldn't be buying any bird toys there. He's concerned about overall care issues like this, and doesn't like the fact that the toys are located so close to cages stuffed full of birds of mysterious origin.


I don't think it's a bad place, but he's right to be overly-cautious.


The following weekend, we had a spending spree at a specialty parrot store in town. Neko has all the toys he needs now, and I like supporting stores that are part of the local avian community :)

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Animal feed store? Where and what kind of food do they sell?


Have you tried the Bird House yet? Its a less than 10 min drive from exit 9 off the turnpike. You should go there to look around and ask questions- meet Paterson, he's an enormous blue and gold macaw (not for sale). And they have tons of toys- they aren't the cheapest but if you aren't buying online, they are the next best thing. The birds there seem happy; they board birds in the back room and some boarded cockatoos call for the owner by his name. The owners have two adopted boys that are alwasy in the shop- very friendly, helpful people.

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