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Crazy and not in a good way part 2


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Hello all

I posted a while back about Gracie. To recap, the real short version. A vet did a real poor wing clip that made is so she could not fly at all. Several times she fell and in doing so she hurt her wing. I would run over pick her up and make sure she was ok. She eventually associated the pain with me and would not have anything to do with me. She became afraid of me. I then posted and got some good ideas on how to deal with the problem. I kept away from her and let my wife take care of her and just waited. Well it worked she once again became my best buddy at least in part. One day she would be crawling all over me, giving me kisses and begging to touched, handled, the next day she would fly to the back of her cage whenever I came near. During those times I would just leave her alone. Then one day in the morning I brought her from her night cage to her big day cage. She was fine when I picked her up but then she freaked out. Off she flew. Much to our surprise she could fly again. She never before showed any sign she could fly anyway but down before. We were lucky. We found her several hours later and not too far away. She was shaken from the experience. Now once again most of the time she flies’s to the back of the cage when I approach. There are times when I can pick her up but not so often. When she became afraid of me the first time I could see some progress in her return to being friendly. This time I do not see any progress and that worries me. So once again I ask for help from your collective experience and any help will be so much appreciated.

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I'm sorry, I don't have anything constructive or particularly helpful to say about Gracie freaking out, but I just wanted to say that I'm glad you were able to find her when she first flew off like that... I hope someone else can add something that may be of assistance, though.

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I'm sorry, I don't have anything constructive or particularly helpful to say about Gracie freaking out, but I just wanted to say that I'm glad you were able to find her when she first flew off like that... I hope someone else can add something that may be of assistance, though.


I hope so also. Its difficult to loose a friend. Especaly when you want that freindship back and she is terrified of me.

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All I can recommend is Patience, patience patience you can eventually win her back over she just has to learn to trust you all over again. Sit quietly near her and read stories to her from a childrens' books with big bright pictures, have soothing music and let her see you place her favorite treats where she can reach them from her safe place inside the cage. She will come around just remember that she was frightened and in the wild she is a prey animal so it will take time for her to feel secure again.

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