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Bird biting skin of feet


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hi we have a 1 yr old CAG, we recently got her ringed. Now shes suddenly started pulling the skin off her feet. I thought that it was the ring hurting her but shes doing it her self.


Please help,


P.S: I dont have any avian vets around

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It may be she is allergic to the metals in the ring or it is irritating her and she is biting her foot because of it, you really need to get her to an avian vet to have that ring removed. My question is why did you have the ring put on in the first place as it is usually put on when they are young enough for the band to go over the foot?

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I am not sure if its the ring, since shes biting both feet. I put the ring now to avoid any trouble with the Govt. since the breeder whom I got the bird from didn't give me a certificate and I convinced another breeder to give me a ring. I spoke to him and he said its a stainless steel ring and should not cause an irritation

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As we are not vets here I can't give you an answer and your best bet is to contact an avian vet for advice. You said there are no avian vets where you live but where are the nearest ones? Could you not contact one by phone that could at least give you an idea of what might be wrong or maybe help you with locating one close enough to go to?

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I did a google search and there are plenty of vets in your area.


for example:http://bangalore.metromela.com/City+Veterinary+Hospital/store/Mysore+Road/20594


"City Veterinary Hospital on Mysore Road provides treatments for all types of animals and birds."

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Thats the Govt vet clinic "City Veterinary Hospital on Mysore Road provides treatments for all types of animals and birds." The treat only poultry. When I took my bird there the last time, the Vet was scared to come near the bird. I have done enough of research. A vet is out of question. They are unqualified and if they treat the bird, they would defiantly kill her. Ill have better chances if I let nature cure her.

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This forum it self says that while choosing a Vet he should have had previous experience also he should be an avian vet specialized in exotic birds and theres no one of the qualification. Or the breeders would try to treat an expensive a Hyacinth Mackaw on their own.

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Okay, I'm sorry for pressing the matter. If anything, I'd tell them to stop listing "all types of birds" if they only see poultry.


The band is stainless steal, but is it solid or is it one that can be taken on and off?

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If a bird is 10 days to 2 weeks or older with no band from the original breeder, that bird can't ever be banded with a permanent band again. All bands put on afterward are what's called open bands. An open band proves nothing. Any numbers or letters can be put on that open band. What I don't understand is why you put an open band on in the first place? It won't prove age, where it came from. In any case, the band has to be removed. What's good about an open band is that it can be removed easily. Any band doesn't have to be tight in order to irritate a bird but it may psychologically irritate an adult bird who's never had one before. Just the fact that it's now on can cause a bird to start picking at the surrounding feathers and skin. That can also spread to the other leg because of nervousness.

Because you don't have an avian vet or avian tech near you, your best bet is to go back to the person who just put it on and have that person remove it. If the person knows how to put one on, he/she also knows how to remove it.


Use aloe gel but stop with the corn powder. They don't work well together. One item minimizes the healing power of the other.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks Dave, for the reply. Shall get the ring removed tomorrow and update. The reason I put the ring is pressure from Govt inspections while I travel with the bird. I made a mistake by not getting her ringed when she was small. Since the authorities are not very well versed about open ring and closed ring. I preferred to get a open ring than no ring at all. Hope she will stop with the biting once the ring is removed. How long do you think will it take for the behavior to correct once the ring is removed.

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Thanks Dave, for the reply. Shall get the ring removed tomorrow and update. The reason I put the ring is pressure from Govt inspections while I travel with the bird. I made a mistake by not getting her ringed when she was small. Since the authorities are not very well versed about open ring and closed ring. I preferred to get a open ring than no ring at all. Hope she will stop with the biting once the ring is removed. How long do you think will it take for the behavior to correct once the ring is removed.


About 1 to 2 weeks. Continue with a very light coating of gel and use it only 2/3 times a week. Each application needs time to sink into the skin. You told me you were using aloe leaf gel and leaf gel takes a longer time to do it's job. It also gets cakey because it stays on the skin longer. That can attract dust particles. In the future, go to a pharmacy and get a small bottle of 100% aloe vera gel. It's thinner and penetrates the skin faster.


I really don't know your government rules but I can tell you that the open band proves nothing as far as accuracy and your bird can possibly get hurt from it.

PS--at your bird's age right now, it makes no difference whether it's metal or plactic. Either will irritate a bird.

Edited by Dave007
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Hi Guys,

I have some bad news, I took Ginger to the the place that ringed her and they couldnt find the right tool. So i took her the next day again. They removed the ring but unfortunately she broke her ankle in the process and also cut her. I was heart broken. I bought her home and stopped the bleeding. The minute I let her on her own to check her ankle she started biting her ankle off the broken foot. I couldn't bear to see her do that.

Presently have flown her out of country to an avian vet. Have got her sedated. Hes going to operate on her tomorrow morning. He says either they will put a steel stint and screws or a wire . If she doesn't cope with that they may have to remove the leg. My family is praying for her, and I hope shes in good care now. Please send her your prayers and also if you have any suggestions. I am not sure of the avian vets credentials. But this is the best I can afford.

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Want to know if a steel stint and screw is better, what if she chews on it, or would a surgery to amputate her foot is better. What do you all think?


So sorry to hear about what happened.

If your bird was very young (7/8/9 weeks old) a wood splint would normally be used. Your bird is 1 yr old and knows how to pick, pull and chew things so the only other alternative would be very light weight steel splint. He can't chew through it but he'll pick at it like any other thing that might be around the leg. A bird can't bite through steel and because it's steel, there won't be any rust to worry about. Surgery to amputate the foot is a vet's decision. Only he can see the damage that's present. After fixing the foot, your bird may have a bent leg. Many birds are born like that and they live normal lives.


****What do you all think?****


It doesn't matter what we think. There are no vets here and we wouldn't give out any medical info on that problem. You need to discuss this with your vet. Only the vet will be conducting the exam. Only he would know how serious the damage is.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support. Today the vet has made a cast on her foot. With plaster of Paris. Will have to take it out after a week and re-do it after inspection and application of antibiotics.

Its difficult to keep her from biting it. So have wrapped her in a light towel and tied it so only her neck protrudes. Shes in a lot of pain even though pain killers have been given in small does.

Please continue with your prayers. So that he fracture heals well and soon.

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