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Poop in Water- And Drank from It


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Took got feces in her water and she was drinking from it.


She was on top of her cage and pooped down, I didn't realize she pooped into her water bowl. She drank. I went to change her water when i saw it.


What are the possible consequences? what should I look out for?


Thank you.

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My grey Corky and my zon Cricket have never pooped in their water, but my cockatiels always poop in their water and food. You can change it 10 times a day and you will find poop.

The best you can do is try to keep it as clean as you can but from time to time there will be poop and they will drink from it and they will live.

We change their water at least twice a day.

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It's best to change the water as often as you can, like Ray P said.


How are perches positioned in your cage? It's said that you shouldn't have any perches directly above the water if your bird is the type to use it as a toilet!

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This is why we have to change the water often and like Shana said be careful of where you put perches and even toys so nothing is right over the water bowl. Like most bird owners I have some that like to dunk food in their bowl so it has to be changed often, gives us something to do!

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So it's somewhat common, huh? She was standing on top of her cage- she loves climbing all over it- not on her perch. And bombs away! She never pooped from that spot before, she has her favorite areas. I change the water in the morning and as soon as I got home (usual routine).

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We do use two types of water dishes, our birds are dunkers. There are water dishes with dome tops that will protect them from being soiled from above. What was more gross than the bird poo in his water dish was when he got up and pooed in mine!

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You'll find mixed opinions, but I choose to use water bottles for all my cages. Yes, they get changed with fresh water daily. There is no danger of food or feces growing bacteria in the water bottles.

Until you meet a bird that shoves wood splinters and bits of food into the nozzle. Inventive minds and all that.

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There's lots of poop soup at my house and I change water dishes frequently. My CAG, Z, will say, "Get me some water!" when he wants fresh water. He also says it when he has fresh water as he thinks it's funny that I get up for no reason.


I have thought about having a water bottle and dish to have it covered either way but I don't find it as easy to clean the bottles and drinking tube as it is to clean the dishes.


So, yes, poop soup is not unusual and it won't kill them if they sip out of it every now and then.

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