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17 years in a cupboard


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Just seen this an harlequin macaw has spent 17 YEARS yes years in a cage n cupboard.


Why do ppl do this i dont understand :mad:


How? Why? Same old questions that we will ask until the end of time.


Just think before you take on any bird!


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It's shameful how some people treat animals. I'm surprised that poor bird didn't die or go insane, living in such atrocious conditions for so many years. I'm so glad someone rescued her and gave her a super good home.


Jay, what's Freddy's story?

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Thank you, here's a copy of our orignal post 2009:

And Here's Fred.......Our new rescue.


:) Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Fred, a 17 year old Cacatoa Galerita (Greater Sulfur Crested 'Too). I've kinda had a rough life. My first owners locked me in a closet because they said I was too loud. I wasn't loud, I was just happy with life! My last owners kept me in my cage with no toys. He liked me but his better half didn't...so I ended up at Feathered Friends. He would come to see me for a few minutes and then leave for a long time and that made me very unhappy. Carol told him that he needed to take me home or let Carol place me with Jay and Maggie. So, okay, yesterday, I went home with Jay and Maggie. No more rescue, I've got a home now! I can tell already.

They gave me a piece of fruit last night (Pear) and it was SO GOOD! I can't remember when I have had such good food, fruit and veggies! Wow!!!! They said I can't have too much fruit because of my plucking. Plucking: I don't have many feathers. Closet Time does that to you! They spray me with this aloe stuff and it sure feels good! I didn't pluck all night and all day. I heard talk but if I could, I would tell them that I will grow back as good as new because I am happy here!

:( (From Jay and Maggie: Fred's wings are basically skin and bones with a few feathers. His chest, legs and back are basically plucked. He has a beautiful full tail, head and top-notch.)

I like to dance, I can really shake it and I like that they play music. They leave my cage open so I can come and go and I get along well with the others. They tell me things are good there. You ought to see Spock and I eat our morning and night smash at the same time out of the same spoon. We don't mind sharing...there's plenty...I'm really good at bathing and I don't mind Jay holding the food while I nibble...I'm not a one-person bird...Maggie sings to me and I dance for her. I really think I'm going to like it here. I can't remember if I can talk or not, I say "Fred" but that is all right now. I am very quiet and today I started dozing with one leg tucked and my top-notch down....OH BOY!!! got to go...snacks are on the way!!!!!

Fred ;)

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This is soo sad and just makes me soo damn mad. But at the same time it gives me hope for Lucy. I don't know all of her story but this girl gives me hope that maybe one day I will beable to just hold my old lady ;-) thanks for sharing...

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Unfortunately, as with many people and pets, they want the beautiful creature but they don't want the responsibility that accompanies them. They believe they are being empathetic by not returning the bird or rehoming it, but they cannot handle the noise, mess, needs of the bird. They are incapable of admitting their own failures.


It's no different than people who have children and don't take care of them. Society has far less ability to care for the unwanted, abused and neglected pets than it does for the abused and neglected children of the world and there is little difference between them.



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I'd seen that on YouTube before... it's horrifying to think how she was so bent-over for so many years. And you can tell Betty's still a bit 'off' but obviously so much better than in her former circumstances, the poor thing. At least her story has a relatively happy ending; there are so many animals (and children, even!) out there who you can't even say that much for. :(

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