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so since the weather is nice we decided to get ruby a harness. today we tried putting it on and you would have thought we were killing the bird. i'm really surprised she didn't bite us. we took her outside and all she could do was constantly pick at it. i want to continue to try to put it on her daily to get her used to it. she loves going outside but i'm not gonna take her any further than just on the porch without it on. anyone have tips on how to get a grey used to wearing one?

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You must introduce and harness and the placing of it on them very slowly so it is not a bad experience. If they are freaked out by it the first few times, you will be lucky if you can ever get close to them with a harness again for a long time, with a ton of patience to get them to trust the harness or you again.


They must become used to having their wings lifted and touched, a hoop laced over their head etc. It is not a pleasant experience for them and they will normal fight like crazy the way you describe this for go at it went. Just go slow and easy. You may even go through a harness or two just letting them chew on it as you get them used to it and trusting of you and it.


The aviator harness has a great video included with it on being successful at getting your bird to accept it.

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The earlier you start getting them used to a harness and putting it on the better they will take to it, a young grey will accept it easier than an older bird but with any bird just take it slowly and try to make it as pleasant an experience as possible.

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Beau is harness trained and it's something you have to do on a routine basis, even after you've gotten them used to the harness. I made the mistake of not doing so for a few weeks with him and you would have thought I was killing him all over again. After they get used to the harness and they are rewarded with either a treat or an outing that they enjoy they will come to look forward to the harness. Beau does and we make weekly visits to my parent's house with him in his harness...he's such a big bird.



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