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Regurgitating - what age?


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Simon keeps trying to regurgitate. I've noticed him doing it when I first greet him when I come into the room. He's now doing it for Oboe the lovebird, too. He's too young to be doing it for hormonal reasons, isn't he? (He's 3 and a half months.) Do you think maybe he's got something stuck in his crop?

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This isn't unusual, this is how they feed........cute....You might want to get him a low-iron organic baby food, [sweet potatos, apple sauce, pears etc.] warm it [above 103%,no higher than 107%] and feed him with a spoon. Some Greys require hand feeding up to a year old.....

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Cosmo began doing it occasionally pretty young as well. Maybe 4-5 months old? I too thought it seemed too young and was concerned it was something else. I guess this day and age they just grow up faster lol. Now at a year old he does it fairly often for myself and my wife, particularly if we've been gone for a while(like when we get home from work). We do our best not to reinforce it with a "No thanks, I'm not hungry" and walk away for a minute or two. Only once has he really gotten me....he was on my shoulder...shook his head and sprayed wet seeds all over my face *bleh!*

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Cosmo began doing it occasionally pretty young as well. Maybe 4-5 months old? I too thought it seemed too young and was concerned it was something else. I guess this day and age they just grow up faster lol. Now at a year old he does it fairly often for myself and my wife, particularly if we've been gone for a while(like when we get home from work). We do our best not to reinforce it with a "No thanks, I'm not hungry" and walk away for a minute or two. Only once has he really gotten me....he was on my shoulder...shook his head and sprayed wet seeds all over my face *bleh!*


When their young, it's about food! When their a year old plus, it's as Dan said "It's the highest honor a bird can bestow to another. This means you are greatly loved!":) In stead of saying "no thanks" tell em you love them to......

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