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Molting only on one side


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My poor Dixie bird....she has been molting terribly over the last week or so (along with the rest of the flock) but it seems that she's lost quite a few flights and only on one wing. I rechecked all the feather's I've picked up and none were chewed, none with blood, all very beautiful feathers. I didn't realize they were only from one wing until she tried to fly across the room to me tonight - only made it about half way and going down fast. Poor thing, I'm assuming this is normal. I've checked her wing, nothing abnormal about it, no bare spots, some new feathers. She's not been "over preening" as she really looks good for her molt. The dust buster is getting a major workout though. Anyone seen this before?



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Hmmm, that is odd Robin. Primaries are lost one on one side and then the corresponding primary on the other side to maintain balanced flight. Perhaps Dixie somehow damaged those feathers which caused them to come out prematurely?

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Dixie just went to the vet on 4/11 and he found her in perfect health. She lost the feathers after the visit to the vet so I'm assuming she was playing rough with her ball in her cage (she does this at times) and has caused them to come out. She lost a total of 4 feathers on her left wing, but yesterday I found three from her right wing in the bottom of the cage. Dixie is 3 years old now and has never gone through a molt like I'm seeing now, feathers everywhere, downy ones that float in the air, soft grey feathers that are so beautiful and yet she still looks great. Morgan on the other hand is molting badly and there are feathers everywhere from him and he looks scruffy. I did notice there are three new flights coming in on Dixie's left wing so I'm assuming she's the odd bird in the bunch.



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