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Our Fid's Living Arrangements or How they share their house with us...


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:D We should have mentioned this information in Joey's update...For those of you who don't know about our arrangements, we live in our fids' 12x56 foot mobile home. It is divided into (from the front) a kitchen, living room, small bird room, breeding room, bath and our bedroom. Spock, Joey, Salsa and Tango's cages are in the living room along with a couch for us. From the moment of introduction, they are all aware of each other. All training, interaction, feeding, playing takes place where they all can see what is going on and are fully aware of any and all interaction we have with all of them. Example: in the morning and whenever we come home, we give a big hello as we enter their home. Joey, being the elder, is greeted first. Jay faces his cage from about a foot and gives a purring sound and bows and Joey will respond in turn, holding the bow as long as Jay does. His cage is opened and he is loved and petted. Then on to Spock...we open the cage he perches on Jay's finger and shoulder, talking and giving Jay a kiss. He then lets a huge bomb over the trash and then flies over to Maggie and perches on her head as a permanent fixture. Salsa is next...she says Hello, gives him a kiss and then takes his glasses off while attempting to steal whatever he has in his pocket. Last but not least, there is Tango who puts her head down next to the cage so she can get a scritch. She then climbs to her outside perch where she receives a healthy head and wing scritch. When they go to bed, the procedure goes in the same order reversed. Then it is on to the small bird room to chitchat and give treats to all the little ones.

Back to the big birds...Any training, interactions, treat-giving, playing etc is given in full view of all the big birds. During periods of training, the birds that are not being trained, are quiet and watch what is going on. So, basically, all the birds get the same training at the same time to a greater or lesser extent. They can distinguish what actions and words are directed to who. Their hangout spots....Joey on his outside perch or on his $5oo perch in the kitchen (our laptop computer), Spock's is about 15" away from Joey on the kitchen chair, on top of the freezer, on top of the fridge, in front of the microwave, on the atom between the kitchen and the living room, on the curtain rod over the couch, on Joey's cage, in Joey's cage, on the bathroom door, on the bedroom door, on the indian blanket in the bedroom, on the shower rod or on the bed, nosing around, your head if you are on the commode or trying to brush your hair/teeth.:P Salsa hangs out on the top of Spock's cage, the atom, inside Joey's cage, inside Tango's cage when Tango isn't looking and Spock's favorite places in the bathroom and bedroom. Tango is content to stay in and on her cage and on and in Salsa's cage (when she chases Salsa off of it). She also likes to spend about 1/2 an hour prancing on the bed besides the attention and the carrying around we give her. So, in summary, every bird knows every bird's business...they are each and all aware of what goes on at all times, be it correcting, feeding, training, playing and receiving personal attention. As a side note: when we first brought Joey home, Spock flew over to him within 8-10" squatted down and bent his head, making a couple of Grey sounds. Joey, in turn, stood up straight, looked at him and made similar sounds back to him. Then, Spock flew away. It would be very interesting to know what transpired...was Spock showing respect for his elder?

P.S. They all speak better human than we speak bird....:)

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That was awesome !!!!!!!!!! Everyday my fids teach me, if we're only "intelligent" enough to be aware. They each have their own unique personality & it's up to us to bring it out in them. Interaction and just observing sometimes is where it's at.

Thank you for the insight !!!!!!!!

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They do know us better than we know them and I do think that they know how to work the system and that they work together better than we think.

Science is just finding out that parrots in general are smarter than we think and I don`t mean just african greys.

I have had a CAG for over 10 years and I thought they were the smartest one. Two years ago we rehomed a blue front amazon and it has opened my mind about parrots and that they all have this thing about them. I have read about differant parrots and I now have a differant out look about all parrots.

I feel so small when it comes to our fids and what they can to compared to what I can do as far as understanding.

I sometimes think they know more about me than I know about them.

They make the dission about their lives not us. We become friends on their terms.

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How sweet, I enjoyed reading this... but wandered how noisy does it get in this Fid family home...

I have one grey family member & it really gets loud and messy sometimes...lol

Enjoy your sweet family...


It's not too bad...not quite like deep dark Africa, more like the suburbs...messy??? Still trying to find my car keys...the floor? Shoveled out daily...


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There is nothing quite as amazing as the life we share with our birds. We do learn something new every day from them if we pay attention. I love having ours next to the room where I sleep. They seem to know whether I am rustling about in my sleep or beginning to awaken. They are very quiet until they know I am awake. It always delights me that the second I open my eyes, they seem to know and call out to me. As for messes... hmm, I would have to admit when I look around all the messes are mine. The birds keep their mess near the cages but I seem to create a mini tornado of mess everywhere I go. LOL. Sometimes I get grumpy at my family because the house is a mess and look around, lo and behold, that was me again.

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It's funny how similar our lives seem to be (those of us with fids that is). When I walk into the house I'm greeted by Sterling who in turn greets me. When I enter my office I greet from oldest (in household) to newest and obviously in reverse on my way out. Night Night takes about 5 minutes because everyone has their own special night night kiss/hug/cuddle routine. Thanks for sharing Jay, now I don't feel quite so weird in my greeting and leaving my babies.



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Thanks for the entertaining narrative of your life with your fids. I guess we all do tend to wrap our daily routines around our birdies.


I think I'll quit whining about not having enough space for us and all the birds and their cages. LOL!

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