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Need a cage = going crazy


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I need to buy a cage for my new baby CAG who will be coming home in about 6 weeks. I've been looking at this site because the guy is local and I can't make up my mind. Obviously, not all are appropriate as it's a listing of all his cages.


I'm kind of tempted to get one of the HQ cages with the shelf that opens above the door. But, I'd also like a playtop. The store I'm getting my bird from does not sell cages with playtops as they don't believe in them and told me that a bird should have a place away from the cage to play. I am also going to have playstands but do like the idea of a playtop as an additional space.


Any suggestions? I know there are cages out there where the entire front opens up for cleaning and am tempted to check those out. He doesn't seem to have any of his site.



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I have one play-top cage. 2 of the done cages where the top opens up and there is a shelve in the front that you can open up as well. Plus a doubles cage with a divider that I have take out. my birds love all the cages. The dome tops that I have are the largest you can get, so I don't open the top cause I need a stool to do so. But I have perches and other things all over the outsides of them to play on. My amazon loves the play-tops, the greys could take them or leave them, they have too many other places in my house they love. remember: birds will perch the highest they can to sleep usually, so the dome tops in my opinion is the nicest, plus they are pretty looking cages.

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Thanks for the reply. Z, my CAG, sleeps on the bottom back perch in his cage. He's a little different. My new baby is missing 50% of his talons and has kind of stubby toes (for lack of a better term). I'm concerned about a tall cage since I don't know how well he'll do and I'm concerned about his falling inside from such a height. (I'm not sure that made any sense)


I did see some different cages online and the prices do vary. I've always purchased my cages from a store but getting them home is drama since I have a small car. The fact that there are so many options is making me nuts.


I also want to get Z a new cage but he likes sitting on top of his - no playtop - and is frightened of any changes. I tried for 2 yrs to get him to go on a playgym and he won't have it. He's not stick or hand trained either but is friendly on or in his cage. He's a work in progress. I think he might like the playtop, if and when he got used to a new cage, since that's where he spends his time. I actually roll his cage from my bedroom into the living room so he can join us to watch tv. He sits on top of his cage and has a great time.


Time to search the internet again. :)

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All of my birds have dome top cages except two - Yoshi's cage has a play top and she's there all the time and loves it. Sterling has a playtop as well and he either hangs out there or on his playstand. The rest of the flock climb all over their cages with lots of perches attached and toys on the outside as well as inside. Everyone has turns on the playstand, rope door, my desk, the floor, wherever they want to go - it's their room, the cages are for their protection when I'm gone.



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I went to a huge feed store that is like a Costco and found a cage this weekend. I paid for it and will pick it up tomorrow. The baby bird won't be coming home for another month or so but I'm glad I found a cage. The store is so much less expensive than everywhere else around here. It was $150 less than what I've seen. It has a playtop so we'll see what happens.

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I have a friend who has been working with some Grey lacking feet and she can help you with some ideas just PM me for her contact information. You thoughts about horizontal caging rather than tall is right on the money. Something more like a Sugar glider cage with the ramps is a starting place but you might need to pad them to avid pressure sores on those feet.

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