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Well, we've had a few rounds of bad news (uncle with cancer, troubles with school...etc) and the other day, i had been crying. Every time I walked by Jasper his eyes would pin and he would run over to the edge of his cage...


Well, the next day i walked by his cage in the morning, he ran over and said, "What's a matter with you?" Everytime i walked by his cage, he asked me this. I was in a hurry and I kept saying, every things ok. and giving him a smile.


I have never heard him say this before and I just know he was trying to ask me this yesterday. I am just in awe about this!



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I think you need to let him be your shoulder to cry on. Let him know all that is going on that is bringing you sadness-he will listen and get the the emotion behind your body language. He may be feeling left out so include him and you will be surprised at the calm you will gain after unloading your emotional overload. Jasper is asking you to respond so allow him his offer of sharing those dark clouds.

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How sweet!!

My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June of last year, and Sully (only being 3 months old at the time) comforted me every night when I couldn't sleep. It is AMAZING how they feel the pain you do.. Be sure to keep reassuring him you're okay, or you will be okay, and let comfort you. Grey's are eager to be part of your flock, and every emotion you feel, they want to feel it with you :)


We'll be praying your troubles go away soon :) Take care!

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Thanks guys! I will just sit down with him and let him know what's going on!


I LOVE this little man :)


JDS5607 - how is your father now? This is the same cancer that my uncle got diagnosed with last week. They did a scan to see if it spread anywhere else...we get those results tomorrow.

ray - oh dear! i can see that! being on your best behavoir and then when the all clear comes, they totally make up for it! haha!!! (won't be funny when it happens to me though!)

greywings - i will do that. these guys are so smart... thanks!

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My father is doing okay. He had radiation therapy, which took A LOT out of him, but he just completed it, and he's waiting to see if it killed the cancer cells or not- So, hopefully we'll get good news. However, the prognosis is pretty good. He's 63, so it's rough on his body- but thank goodness they caught it before it spread. I hope the same for your Uncle. If you need someone to talk to- please don't hesitate to message me! I wish I had someone to talk to when my father got sick! <3 prayers for your Uncle! <3

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thanks guys!


We found out that (from pet scan or whatever they do) that it hasn't spread anywhere else. So tuesday they talk about what they're going to do to get rid of this. Thanks for the prayers everyone!


Jenn - I will do that!! :)

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