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Down and Dirty...Birdie Contest!!!!


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:cool: Do it again Sam.....The Wet-n-Wild Contest was soooo much fun....let's have another!

This time, post photos, as many as you like(with captions) of your messy mouthed, covered in food, 'Zon....

Our Salsa, when she really enjoys her food, it covers her beaker and hangs like a beard... reeeaaaallllyy messy...:P. Same rules as last time, but I would like to get a bigger response from all of the Grey Forum so get out your friends and let this be fun!!! All comments welcome...

Just make a post here with photo and caption. You'll have from today until the 27th of April to post your photos. Then, voting will be from the 28th to May 5th on a new thread I will post on the 27th. Okay, let's all get out and post...let's see those Down and Dirty Birdies!!!!:D



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In the first picture of Salsa, I swear I saw her eyes pinning when I got too close. Great shot. Also, I thought someone was holding her spoon while she ate and then I saw the second photo and realized she was holding it in her own gnarly little talons. Cricket is beautiful too even with her messy little face. Great photos of your Amazons, it might be as close as I ever get to seeing one. Thanks, great thread.

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Alas, my parrots do not like messy faces and will not eat anything messy! Good luck to everyone, can't wait to see all these messy faces!!!!


Please post something cute, this is all in fun, we need you.......

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Hay are you saying Louie doesn`t dive in to his food. I wish I had the picture of Cricket when she climbed into an almost empty Jiffy peanut butter can, It was the largest can they make or fill and when she came out she was covered from head to talon in peanut butter and would not let me clean her up. It was at easter and we could have used her in a easter basket as a peanut butter covered zon.

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Hay are you saying Louie doesn`t dive in to his food. I wish I had the picture of Cricket when she climbed into an almost empty Jiffy peanut butter can, It was the largest can they make or fill and when she came out she was covered from head to talon in peanut butter and would not let me clean her up. It was at easter and we could have used her in a easter basket as a peanut butter covered zon.


Made my day...lololololol

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If I could get Morgan to eat more "people" type food he would be great - he loves to be photographed. Unfortunately it seems I have the only 'Zon who only eats pasta outside of his pellets and seeds. Little bugger!



Rub some on Morgan's beaker...[he-he]

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I might have to stuff Cricket into a peanut butter can so we can relive last Easter and take some pictures. Come to think of it I won`t have to stuff her in the can she knows what it looks like and she will go in on her own.

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You guys are cracking me up!!!!! A peanut butter zon? hehe! That would have been a sight to see! I also 'see' salsa's eyes pinning and great messy face! Now... i love the look on Tango's face!!! Is that tango or fred? Who ever it is..it's great!


luvparrots - my grey is a non messy eater too... however, he will get into some organic almond butter! Good luck and can't wait to see what you come up with!

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Thanks, both photo's are of Salsa, Tango and Fred are our TOO,s..We love you...


yes! But in the first picture, one of your TOO's is in the background! I figured it was Tango...but wasn't sure! :)

Edited by Jayd
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yes! But in the first picture, one of your TOO's is in the background! I figured it was Tango...but wasn't sure! :)


Sorry, you are correct...that is Tango...she is a Triton and quite large...soon we will do an update on Tango and Freddy.

Thanks, J

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