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Do you use your hand or arm for step up???


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I am not sure what body part to offer Kenya to step up on. I have little hands and she seems to want her feet flat on somehting, but won't step towards my arm. She can perch in her cage but when I pick her up she usually uses her beak to pull herself up (ouch) and then stands on top of my boob with her head in my neck. This is not working for me and I am pretty sure that is definitely not the part you are supposed to offer LOL. Any suggestions?

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This sounds as if your birdie just wants to cuddle, and to be drawn close to you. Try letting it step on a finger, and see if she will stay there. Sounds as if she might be just a little scared. If it is routine that she uses her beak to step up, maybe try a glove, but that should not hurt at all. Maybe you are holding it to high. Hard to say without seeing. If it is a baby, you have to teach it to be gentle. It will all come in time. If she gets your finger, and the pressure is to much, just push down the lower beak to get your finger back. Don't pull back or get loud, this will reform habit, for they just love drama.

For your question, It really depends on the size of the bird and the bird itself to what I offer. I only have Macaws for now, one I pick up with a closed fist, and offer my lower arm. He is bad to bit, my other one he can step up on my arm or hand.

I am sure you will get more answers that will help you more.

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I offer my arm to my grey, just at her feet, into her body so that she steps up. I also say "step up" so she knows what I want. I keep my arm steady so she feels secure. Ana Grey is a TAG so she is small and has no problems sitting on my arm. Ana Grey loves tickles and scratches so she also is a chest sitter.

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Simon steps up onto my finger. But he likes it when I sit on the couch and he can sit on my chest with his head tucked between my breasts, while I run my fingers backwards through the feathers on his neck and head.

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I think my fingers are too short! If I offer my hand should it be flat palm down or a fist sideways??? She is only about 10 weeks so I am sure we are going to get it together eventually. OK I am work with nothing else to do and I just measured my index finger it is only 2 1/2 inches and she is a Congo so I don't think that is going to work!

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I do a curled up fist sideways then shelby will go directly to my shoulder She does not sit on my hand for long if i am on a chair she will just sit on my lap or my knee and come in and posision her self to be rubbed around her neck and head...she seems to enjoy this alot.

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We offer our hand to our grey. However, he's really unsteady on one finger, so we always offer him atleast two. It helps him to balance better :) He generally won't step up to our arms, unless it has a sleeve on it, for something to grasp.

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In the beginning when they are still a bit unsteady and in secure, I would use my forearm when I asked my birds to step up. It felt secure and strong for them without them losing their balance. As time went on and they grew more confident, they will now step up onto any part of my hand, fingers, arm, shoulder, back I offer them. I have 3 on me at many times as I take them with me in the house. Sometimes I have to offer an odd spot, they don't care, they just jump on for the ride!

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