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Questions and Concerns about Baby CAG behaviors


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Hi, I am concern about some of the behaviors my 5 week old Congo African grey is showing and wanted to know is they are normal.


#1 - I am concern about positions in which he falls asleep. Sometimes his head hangs all the way back and sometimes he lays completely flat on the wood shavings. Is this normal? It looks very uncomfortable.


#2 Sometimes he lays with his head tilted back and eyes opened, following everything that happens around him with his eyes but not moving the head. Is this because they get tires of holding their head up at this age?


#3 He also stretches the neck and gags making some gasping sounds when I put him in his nest box next to me. He stops when I pet him but if I stop he starts again. Is he doing this for attention?


#4 - He seems to fall asleep a lot. Is this normal at this age or could this be a sign of weakness or illness? Do they sleep a lot at 5-6 weeks?


#5 - He sometimes bites his toes and toenails. Is this OK or could it become a bad habit?


Thank you.

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I have to ask why you have a 5 week old grey baby for handfeeding these precious birds belongs in the hands of those who know what they are doing and from the questions you are asking you don't have a clue, why don't you take that baby back where you got it and get some help or better yet, leave the baby in their care until it is fully weaned.

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If this member has NO experience, then asking for advice here, WILL NOT save this babies life. We have seen it over and over here in the many years here. That baby NEEDS to be returned to the breeder and cared for in the manner whichnonly an experienced breeder can do.

I hope and pray, this member DOES have lots of experience, but as Judygrams states, if they did, they would know what is normal behavior at this age.....:(


This baby will surely die if it has been sold unweaned......:(

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I know. But what kind of unscrupulous breeder would have sold her an unweaned bird in the first place?


It's not a big deal here as far as trying to find out what kind of person sells an unweaned bird. The reasons are always the same. We've seen it happen 100s of times. Either the breeder cajoles the person into buying an unweaned bird or the buyer demands an unweaned bird and the breeder goes along with that. Other breeders won't sell unweaned birds. It's always the same reasons.

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A bad breeder would do this.....


At any rate, baby chicks sleep A LOT and in odd positions. I will say though, it should be kept in a warm brood (Small) and needs walls to support it's head\neck. It should be taken back for weaning if possible ASAP!

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Hi, I am concern about some of the behaviors my 5 week old Congo African grey is showing and wanted to know is they are normal.


#1 - I am concern about positions in which he falls asleep. Sometimes his head hangs all the way back and sometimes he lays completely flat on the wood shavings. Is this normal? It looks very uncomfortable.


#2 Sometimes he lays with his head tilted back and eyes opened, following everything that happens around him with his eyes but not moving the head. Is this because they get tires of holding their head up at this age?


#3 He also stretches the neck and gags making some gasping sounds when I put him in his nest box next to me. He stops when I pet him but if I stop he starts again. Is he doing this for attention?


#4 - He seems to fall asleep a lot. Is this normal at this age or could this be a sign of weakness or illness? Do they sleep a lot at 5-6 weeks?


#5 - He sometimes bites his toes and toenails. Is this OK or could it become a bad habit?


Thank you.


Understand that the other people here are very concerned about that 5 week old bird. That accounts for all the blunt replies. All are right in returning the bird to the breeder. It should have never been sold at that age.


Now for your questions-----


1-----at that age such a young bird has no muscle control in the neck so odd positions will be seen. Most baby birds will fall forward just after being fed. The crop is heavy with food and pulls the bird forward so it lays on it's stomach. It's not abnormal but you should definitely get rid of the shavings and replace them with a few soft fluffy towels. You need to watch out where the beak and nares fall into.


2----this the same as above. No muscle control so odd positions happen. You should correct that position and put something very soft in the back of the neck/head to keep it from falling back. Do they get tired in those positions? Definitely. A bird that young doesn't stay awake for long periods of time. A bird that age gets very tired no matter what position it's in.


3---That's simply a sign that the baby bird is used to being kept warm and protected by the hen everytime that happens. Warmth and a very soft fluffy item should be kept by the bird in order to snuggle as it would do with a hen.


4----That answer is above. They will sleep 80% of the time at that age.


5--that chick has no biting power and simply is chewing anything it comes in contact with. A baby that age has no strength what so ever and no bad habits happen because of this.

Edited by Dave007
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I am new at this too but please give ansers not critisim

If the breeder is too far away perhaps you can find a good bird store

to help you or even a vet.


This is one of the reasons I never pushed for shelby to come home

and she was 14 weeks old. but fully weaned

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Please don't stop asking questions, If it's possible they will be answered. We can only iearn from our mistakes, and we don't always know if we've made a mistake if we don't ask. Let us help you. Dave answered your questions well, thanks Dave.....he can help you...

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