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Hot sauce!


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Well Abby finally got her new toy broke in after a few months .... actually quite a few months lol .... its a cylinder puzzle that slides up and down the tube to give access to spots to hide treats or food .... well since she loves french fry's and hot sauce i put one in there and sure enough she spent almost 20 mins trying to get it and finally figured it out .... her playing with the toy is not why i posted though ... i was wondering if any one else bird loves hot sauce .... Abby still wont talk in front of me but if i have hot sauce or french fry's she goes nuts ... unlocks her cage and reaches as far as she can to get to me ... she has even climbed on some chairs and worked her way over to me lol ... sneaky lil girl!

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I am allergic to whatever is in hot peppers. My throat tightens up and I start coughing up a storm. But I keep hot peppers around and chop them up for my fids because they love them so much. I just have to remember to wash my hands several times with soap and keep them away for my mouth!!!!

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Sully LOVES Franks hotsauce on his eggs, frenchfries, anything I put it on, he'll eat it. Sometimes I sprinkle a little on his leafy greens that he doesn't really like, and he eats them with no problem! :) It's a great way to get them to eat foods they should be eating, but don't like :)

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