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Double Yellow Headed Amazon


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Joe they are beautiful birds, and if I had the room and more time, I would love to have one of those. But I don't know much about them so I am no help. But some of the members here may have some, I'm sure they will chime in when they get the chance.


Would love to see a photo of him, though.:P

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Great birds and potential to be very good talkers as well. Amazons are generally less phobic of things. People have likened the Amazon species more to the personality of an in your face, here I am, I am the center of the world personality! The African species are more introverted (though most are quite rambunctious in their own right) and thinkers...an Amazon will fall off a perch or something and not think twice, a grey will do the same and think "sheesh, I could have hurt myself, I need to be more careful!". Amazons are also often more prone to behavior swings and aggression during breeding season, while greys are more steady during those times in comparison. As with everything there are many exceptions as each bird is an individual. Most of you have heard that we have a Red Lored Amazon (wild caught) in the family now for over 37 years. So while I do not have direct experience with the Double Yellow, I do have some knowledge of the birds in general. I was seriously considering a double yellow and did a lot of research as well before we got Kip... B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/09/03 20:02

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I have a 27-28 year old wild caught Red Lored Amazon. Has never used human voice. But he can laugh.

There are several pairs of amazons where I work. The double yellow head pair has yet to breed but one of those says hello to me all the time.

There is a pair of mexian red heads never a word. And two pair of blue front neither those talk either. They have all been breeders a long time and I don't know the histry on these.

There is still a baby from last years blue fronts that she has yet to sell. Not really tring to at this time that talks up a storm. If I had the room.....

Amazons do get really hormonal but they are very forgiving birds. Most are party animals. But mine is a perch potato and very laid back. Never seen him have what they call "amazon overload" yet. lol

Hope you share pictures soon. Would love to see your new baby.

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So you skipped the qt time? Has he gone to the vet yet?

Great picture thank you so much for sharing. Both of your birds have such pretty shinny feathers.

Just be careful having them out together they can really hurt each other.

Good luck

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Glad to hear jo jo is getting better :)


You naughty boy did you not quarantine the amazon ?:unsure:


I hope he gets the all clear from the vet. He is adorable Joe,when are you going to name him ? Clarence is nice after E. Hemingway's father ;)

i do love the picture,thanks for sharing & i look forward to hearing the stories Of Hemingway & no name !:)

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Shame on Joe, he should know better that QT is a must, I only hope all is well and nameless gets a clean bill of health, I wouldn't want to have to say, "I told you so". :ohmy:


Glad to hear Jo Jo is better, give her my regards, please Joe.:)


I agree with Tari, the feathers are certainly healthy and lustrous looking, you must be feeding them both very good food. B)


Let us know what you decide to name nameless, I am curious to know.:P

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am so jealous! I have been looking for a baby dyh and haven't had any luck so far. They are always sold fast. I bought my Yellow nape 1 year after I bought my grey baby. They grew to be great friends and could be left alone in their bird room. My birds were free flyers and when I let them out they would always stay together. Whether it was in the large oak tree across the street or the neighbors roof, or the tree above our house. I think your birds will also be good friends. The double yellow head is similar to the yellow nape. My nape never bit anyone and was extremely gental. He did bite my husband once when he was aggravating him while playing a harmonica. It drove my nape crazy and my husband got right up in the birds face and Olive(nape) punctured his nose! I almost wet my pants laughing. He deserved it!!! You will love yuor DYH. And your grey will,too.

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I have 2 greys. My amazons are Tommy and BJ, both girls. they are 27. They are very good birds. They frighten easily though and are terrified of hats! They only say a few things but whistle and finish each others whistles. Tommy is very cuddly but BJ is not so much. They love to be misted and hate it to end. They thrive on routine whereby all my other birds are pretty good with bumps in the routine. They never bite, but they give little soft nips if they don't want to be picked up by someone. They are friends with the greys, kind of. They don't preen each other but they sit on the same play gym. They are not fighters. If one of the small birds lands on their cage they just look at it, whereby the greys go for the toes,,,"hey! get off our house!" The amazons are very vocal around 5-6 pm.otherwise quiet,( well quieter than my conures that's for sure!) They enjoy watching childrens programs. One of my amazons was prone to obesity. She has just recently got over the awful disease of Aspergillosis and lost 71 gms. She is also hypothyroid and has a few other blood abnormalities as the result of this illness and the meds she had to take. (She got Asper from peanuts in the shell). I have just adjusted their diet to include beef and chicken and Tommy must have a bone with marrow several times a week to build up her calcium levels.Their diet is full of wholesome foods along with pellets. They were seed eaters when I got them and it took almost a year to get them onto pellets. They eat mostly fresh food though.

My amazons are delightful, loving birds. They are predictable. I can safely leave them out of their cages when I am not home as they never leave their cage top unless I move them. They have a way to climb back up if they get off it for some reason. If I left my one grey out when I was not home he would get into all sorts of mischief. The female grey would be ok but has to go in her cage when he does or the male screams. I leave their wings in the winter but they really don't fly. Their wings were always clipped by their first owner. I clip them in the summer as I take the birds outside in the summer. They LOVE to chew wood. I found this out after they polished off a window ledge one day.Now they have fresh pieces of wood every week which they rip into shreds. They love fresh figs when I can get them. Gotta love the DYHA's.

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