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My Sully-man is a whole year old today!!!! We sang happy birthday to him this morning and he whistled the whole time, lol. He seems to know today is his special day because he hasn't stopped chatting all day :)


It's absolutely amazing how much he has changed our lives, and I can't imagine how quiet our house was before he came to us :)



This year has flown by so fast, I cannot believe he's already a year old!



(and just so everyone knows, I'm running a special on my website until the 21st of April in honor of Sully's birthday- receive a free toy with any website purchase, just mention "birthday!" at checkout)

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Anyone have a fun idea for a birthday "cake"?

I'm hoping to make him a little cake for his birthday (just for pictures sake, lol) and I was hoping to find something not loaded with sugar and unhealthy-ness :)


Happy Hatch Day! Try taking 2 boxes of Jiffy Cornbread mix and grease a 9x9 pan. Mix the cornbread mix with 4 eggs, a jar of organic baby sweet potato, carrot, pears or apple sauce (2 jars of your choice). Add some chopped apple or pear, some veggies (corn, shredded carrots, etc) and cook at 375 degrees for about 25 minutes or until done in center. For frosting, take plain yogurt and top with seeds, pellets, nuts, sliced or whole berries or whatever your baby loves...If you don't want to use a pan, use a cupcake holder. Apply yogurt just before serving...you can also sprinkle a little hard yellow cheese (shredded) on the top. If you wish to write on the cake, use the yogurt to decorate it. You can add food coloring if it is bird safe. (Wilton's)...just make sure it is safe

Jayd and Maggie

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