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Issac Was Watching TV


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Issac makes the sound of me gulping when ever he sees me filling one of my water cups or tilting back to drink. The other night I was sitting on my couch with Issac, and the TV was on. A lady on the screen picked up a martini and started drinking it, and Issac started gulping. I told him, "Yes she is getting a drink". I found it neat that he was actually watching the people on the screen. That's all.

Edited by Elvenking
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Oh, that was cute! :) Do you think Isaac was actually watching the screen so much as he was listening to her drink? The few times I've put on SpongeBob for our boys, I can't tell if they're really watching the screen or if they just like his crazy laughter. ;)

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Oh Isaac, you are such a character. That is so interesting, I am thinking he did see her take a drink and identify it by the sound he made. Or maybe he was communicating to you to serve him a martini. LOL. Our television isn't at an angle where Gilbert could see it from his cage, I might have to think about rearranging the living room if he would watch it.

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Very clever :)


Cosmo picked up a good cough imitation last fall when I had a cold. Now I always catch him coughing along to cold and flu commercials lol


Oh, that was cute! :) Do you think Isaac was actually watching the screen so much as he was listening to her drink? The few times I've put on SpongeBob for our boys, I can't tell if they're really watching the screen or if they just like his crazy laughter. ;)


I know Cosmo definetly watches his TV. I put on Disney Channel for him while I'm at work during the day. He cant see the TV from his favorite perch and climbs down to another perch for a better view. He seems to really enjoy Mickey Mouse Club and Handy Manny. So much so that he throws a tantrum on my days off when I try to watch sportscenter :( I feel leaving the TV on gives him some varied entertainment to help fill the hours he is home alone. I just hope I dont end up with a Grey version of the "Cable guy". lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neko makes those associations too! Whenever a phone rings or he sees a phone, he starts saying, "Hello? OK. Ok. Buh Bye!".


He also started doing this whenever he sees someone using the phone on TV. Smart and funny birds!

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