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Hello all -


Such a great family you guys have here -


It looks like we will be the proud owner of a new FULLY (see I've been reading :)) weaned CAG. We, especially myself, have always wanted a "big" bird. I had a 'tiel growing up and very much enjoyed the experience.


We started the research process and had selected what appears to be a good breeder in our area. It just so happens that one of the major bi-annual Exotic bird fair & shows came through our area (Nashville, TN) last weekend and the breeder was going to be there -


Long story short - spoke with the breeder at length. They have 3 that should be hatching in the next couple of weeks. Once hatched we will visit, put a deposit down and then the long wait begins. The breeder is ~75miles away. We will visit as often as we can. Taking home is planned after our summer family vactation around mid July.


While at the show we picked up a cage and A LOT of toys of various types, sizes, materials, etc.


This is the cage we selected - http://www.aecageco.com/Play_Top_Cages-36_x28_Play_Top_Cage_with_1_Bar_Spacing_3.html


The current Nothan flock, Me (Brett), my wife (Teresa), my daughter (Ashley - 15yrs), cairn terrior (Kindsey - 9yrs), black lab (Bella - 1 1/4yrs), long haired calico (Zoey - 6yrs) and a 90Gal Saltwater Reef Tank...


I have a lot of questions building... Should I blast them all at once in one post or try to group them by type?



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Hello Brett and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are wanting a grey so be sure to read all you can to learn as much about them before your baby comes home.

As we have different rooms here you can basically put your questions where you think they fit the best but please ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Welcome to the forum Brett! This is going to be such an exciting time for you! I had a 90 gal S. American tank a few years ago...between cleaning up after the parrot or the tank, I'll take the bird any day! :) Although it's pretty cool when your Severum "wags" her fins when you walk into the room.


Congratulations on your decision to bring a grey into your life and I know you'll find tons of info and help here on your questions. Make sure to keep us posted on your baby's progress too, and of course if you happen to snap "baby bird" pics during your visits I'm sure everyone would love to see them.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Meet Echo. DOH 3/21/11 (picture taken on 4/18/11).


We ended up going with a breeder out of state. I really liked how they did not have dozens of birds at once, abundance weaning to my choice of pellets, allow to become flighted and only clip if buyer desires, interaction with other people/pets, etc...


She is going to hold a little longer than normal for us so we can take delivery after our vacation in mid July -


Let the waiting game begin -



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Awww. Congratulations! You're going to love it.

I used to have freshwater tanks, and came close to setting up a saltwater tank a few years ago. But after doing all my research, I had to concede it didn't make sense for me to get one. I don't have air conditioning and it sometimes gets really crazy hot here in the summer, so I would have had to buy a chiller to take the heat out of the tank and put it in the room with me. Plus all the lights and other equipment would have generated so much more heat. And if the power ever went out (which it does) for any length of time, I could lose everything. I decided to put it off indefinitely, but I still love saltwater tanks. Especially all the living things in them that aren't fish.

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I've had saltwater tanks for 20+ years. Got into true reef tanks about 7 years ago.


After much debate - I have actually taken the tank down since that 1st post. I'm going to keep all my high-end equipment to re-setup later, but wanted to be able to give Echo all my free time/$'s in the beginning...


It is amazing all the living things you can have in a reef aquarium.

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Brett, what an adorable baby grey you have there, I just love them at this age, so sweet and innocent and July seems like a long time away but it will be here before you know it. Thats wonderful that the breeder is going to hold your baby until you get back from vacation, you won't regret that decision, thanks for sharing a pic of Echo.

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  • 2 months later...

We had him out probably 6 times over the weekend. Loves to cuddle and get scratches from all.


The amazing thing is he did not poop until we put him back in the cage... might be a coincedence... but I like it...


Pics attached -




Echo 1.jpg


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What a GreyT 1st 10 days or so... Echo is doing wonderfull!!!


The 2nd Echo's hatch date was 4-18-11 (the 1st one had a hurt foot).


Eating -

Harrison's high potency coarse

Sprouts - Dr Bird mix with their easy spouter device (is really easy) - http://sproutpeople.org/birddr.html

Homemade Chop - I probably have over 50 ingredents in mine. http://parrotnation.com/2010/08/08/chop-shot-by-shot/ Took me 6hours to make and bag. If it freezes well, I have a 6month supply. Echo is not crazy about it alone but mixed with some cooked Bean Supreme and RPO - lookout (pic attached). http://www.birdsafestore.com/Goldenfeast_Bean_Supreme_p/gfbs2.htm


Socializing -

Loves to be rubbed from head to tail by anyone. We have probably had 10 different people hold him thus far. The only issue we have with him right now is not wanting to go back into his cage. He does not appear to have any reservations about new items, toys, rooms, etc. I'm going to start working on the aviator harness next.


Bath -

Once thus far. Perch over kitchen sink with a mister (one that you pump up and will spray for a long time. mist is very very fine). I would say he was a trooper. Let me soak him fairly well without too much grief.


Stepping Up/Down - getting better. I don't have any issue with either but I do have to come from below and get the 1st talon on my finger to get it going...


Poop - now here is an interesting one that I could use some advise. Picture the "morning bomb" but instead of just in the morning throughout the day. Instead of 6 small ones over a 3hr period he does one larger one. Sometimes small ones are mixed in, but very often they are fewer, larger and farther between than I expected.


Our main issue right now is giving him enough out of cage time. We have an 18month old 85lb black lab that has caught 5-6 birds in our back yard. We are either caging, locking outside or keeping on a leash right now (and maybe forever). Just a pain to coordinate it and the lab is not crazy about the situation...


I would like to give a plug to the breeder, Tammie @ The Fussy Parrot and ask that you guys keep her mother in your thoughts. At this time she is very sick. They are out of NC. As I mentioned towards the beginning I could not find a local breeder with the traits I was looking for and had Echo flown in. I would recommend Tammie to anybody in a similar situation.



Updated pics attached.






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