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Painting time frame?


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We anticipate moving within the next 4-5 weeks. Good news is that our fids will have their very own room on the main floor of this very large house. (Doing the happy dance over that! :D ) However, there are at least 2 of the 4 upstairs BRs which I'd like to paint prior to moving. Plenty of good ventilation is available.

Note: I've always added 1 Tbsp of vanilla extract per gal of paint to get rid of fumes.


We expect the move to take about a week of back-and-forth ... move some outside & storage items, move household + flock, come back for the residual. Depending on many factors, I may not be able to get the painting done prior to us & flock moving over.


What is the safest & soonest time frame between painting upstairs then moving the flock in downstairs? If painting prior is not possible, should there be any problems with residual fumes? Actually, there is also a door at the top of the stairs which can close upstairs off. All 4 BRs upstairs have large windows on 2 walls, so there would be good cross-ventilation. We also have several fans + ceiling fans will be installed.


I just don't want to take a chance on harming our flock! Your input is sincerely appreciated ~

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Using latex paint--about 1 week air drying is good

Using oil paint---about 4 to 5 weeks( maybe more to totally get rid of odor) will be needed and the birds must be kept away from all residual odors. Having portable floor fans near windows blowing out the window will suck out some odor. Needs to be kept on all day. Simple cross ventilation won't get rid of the odor of oil based paints.


*** Depending on many factors, I may not be able to get the painting done prior to us & flock moving over.**


If so, latex paint should be the only type to be used.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks for the time frame & suggestions. Plans were already to use Latex for ease of application. We do have a contingency plan, if needed, for our fids to have a temporary stay in a loving & suitable environment. I'll just have to MAKE the time to paint prior to all living creatures taking up residence. Certainly don't want to create even more angst, especially for our 3 Greys, than what this move will already generate.


You know, this is just another consideration which has to be taken into account as parronts. Most people wouldn't think twice about doing a little home spruce-up with fresh paint. We always put our flock's welfare first as they totally depend on us to keep them safe.

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