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Aggressive Georgie... (long)


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Hi all i haven't been around as much as I would like to be lately but i still pop in every now and then....


I have a question now that i'm sure some of you will be able to help me with...


Ok so I have George (2 years of age in September) Love him very much... he has always been a little bit contrary... Lol not sure why but i except that thats the way he is :) But in the last while he is very contrary at times. like when I let him out i usually give him lots of kisses and scratch and then let him do his own thing... I would go over every so often and give him a little scratch here and there he would fly onto my shoulder ,i would go over with some food and he would take it from me... have a little play time etc.... he mostly he likes to do his own thing which is fine :0


lately tho he is very unpredictable and doesn't want scratches except the odd time.... have to be careful when giving him kisses that the doesn't bit.... if i hole a toy belong to him or food he will attach my hand... if i go to play with him or scratch him hes eyes will be pinning and i know he will bite so i go away and try again but he bites now alot. also i used to be able to give him a scratch in through the cage bars when he is in but now he will really hurt me... He still flies onto my shoulder and doesn't bite then for some reason.... The only time he is in good form and not biting is when i shower him :(


Ok so im thinking its one of three things or all of them....


1.) He might be put out since new baby Grey Milly came along altho i feed, clean, talk too him first all the time... i make sure he gets all the attention first..... and i don't let him see me interact with Milly at all.


2.) maybe the time of the year it is (mating season) i know some birds get aggressive at this time of year.


3.) Maybe because he is nearly 2 ( terrible two's)


Its prob a bit of everything but im just worried that because he is not letting me interact very much with him that he will not be handled very much and get untame?


Any advice would be great guys :)

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Well, #3 if definitely whats going on and if you add jealousy over a new baby household member, you have a teen with a tude and is exercising all the authority he believes he now has. You have done quite well in learning his body language and avoiding a bite when you can. Wait until he gets even more sneaky once he realizes he is broadcasting his punches. :P


It's great hearing from you again!

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This has been talked about many times concerning the attitudes of a parrot. First off, it has to do with age. Many people think their bird will stay the way it was when younger. They don't. In reality, greys change to their true personality from the ages of 2, 3 or 4 yrs of age. The *terrible twos* simply has to do with the bird developing a more permanent personality. The bird becomes aloof, doesn't need constant contact, wants to have more space between him and the owner over a longer period of time. It wants to be left alone for longer periods of time. The bird becomes quieter and shows less interest in many toys that it was playing with.

In my opinion, kissing a grey or other parrot on the beak is only asking for big trouble especially as a grey gets older. People learn that the hard way even though they're told not to do that.

A grey develops a more protective attitude concerning the area he/she built--the cage. Many don't like constant touching through bars and some will quickly bite when doing that. So basically, you'll have to deal with a bird who's much more complex. Some of the things you say are simply the personality of a grey showing through.

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Lol no miracle cure then? :) Thanks good to be back :)


No cure for a bird that is highly intelligent and wait until your grey has more practice.....arm/hand turning (amature baby bird stuff) doesn't work. they can bite hard and hang on or just fly a quick circle and land\bite again unless you move you arm quick enough and shoo them off or duck when they come ini for a sneak back of the neck hard pinch that makes your eyes water. You soon learn to duck when you hear mad flapping behind you. :P


I must say though, there are still times some good scratching and just kicking back perched on the leg or shoulder happens when THEY decide it time for chilling. :)

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hi,my grey max his age is about 11 ....would constantly bite me,chase me around the house( i had to jump on furniture to get away until he figured out how to climb the couch) he would dive bomb me and nip my neck and such.


He was abused and only liked women. first thing I did was clip his wings .......second thing is I red up on clicker training which has worked well for me. I can now pick up max when he wants me to, but still get a Lil nip when putting max down...... every night when i go pee before bed he comes to the bars and sticks his beak out so i can give him a kiss and he will say "ni night" every once and awhile. it has been 2 months since I have been bitten bad enough for blood.the worst thing to do when getting bitten is to yell or jump around and make a big scene,this just makes biting fun for them. I will tell him "no biting bad" when he bites. I'm pretty sure the clicker is what has helped the most for me. we only had max for 2 years now


I haven't had to deal with the terrible 2's with greys but I've had to deal with grey agression and have many scars to show for it

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I don't have much parrot behavioral advice but my "mom-sense" says Georgie will tell you what his needs are, he may be doing that in subtle ways, and now obviously in not-so-subtle-ouch-that-hurts ways. My general philosophy is "this too shall pass" which keeps me calm enough to think ahead of the little contrary booger. You are right that it is a combination of things going on with his age and your new addition. He may not see you giving Milly affection, but he probably hears you. If you leave him to his own devices, try to figure out how to protect yourself and the rest of the family and flock and watch him carefully for signs that he is eliciting your positive attention you will get through this trying time. I think you and Georgie have a pretty solid relationship that can survive his terrible twos and you will find a balance again soon. My strategy is usually food related. If you can find something he loves and give him early morning and late time one-on-one it might help him remember how wonderful you are. I know that is hard in a busy household, but it may pay great dividends in your future harmony. Good luck. You will get it sorted though, and he will make some adjustments and learn to compromise.

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