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Hello Jen and welcome to our family, we are excited to hear you have your grey you always wanted.

I see from your pictures you are a dog lover and you have a nice bunch of animals and Earl looks great too.

Take some time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thanks! I have been rescuing animals since I was 18. I am 24 now and have my own zoo haha but it's my life!

I actually asked a question already, the reason i was looking for a forum... My chihuahua tends to mark his territory [we had another male dog guests yesterday while friends visited] he must of marked somewhere cause it stinks!, we've always used air freshers, carpet sprays and cleaners.

What's the safest way to get rid of urine smell around the grey?


I dont know where the little sh*t peed so i can't clean one area the room just smells :confused:

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