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Issac's New Neck Feathers


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Along with fresh new feathers coming in on Issac. He has about two or three tiny red feathers. They are quite tiny, only about 2mm in width at the most and only visible from the right angle. It was very strange to see. Anyone ever see this. I have seen the obvious mutations before where there are a few red feathers. Issac's are very tiny and discrete. I would have taken a photo...but I have to get too close and Issac is all over the camera at that distance.

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Oh wow Stephen, some red factor coming out and since it didn't appear until after a good molt it is likely he will keep them, yes I would love to see a picture of them, don't you have a zoom feature on your camera, hint hint.


That is just it, I would almost need a macro shot they are so tiny. I just saw the little thin tips that are only about 2 millimeters wide at most. I will do my best.

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Our little Timneh was a plucker so he is currently strutting around in his little grey underwear. LOL. He has one little red feather on his right "hip" and I think of it like a birthmark. I will start thinking creatively to see if I can find a way to get his picture too. I love that you are so close to Isaac that you see every little detail even the most obscure. It never fails to warm my heart the way you love him. I don't know the science behind it but it is probably something like the way some people have flecks of color in our eyes that would take someone we trust and love a whole lot to get close enough to see those nuances that make us all so unique and wonderful. I wonder on a daily basis whether you or Isaac are the most lucky to have the other in your life. The verdict is still out on that one. Thanks for all you do to bring his joy into our forum.

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my conure athena has the "rogue" yellow/orange feathers that come out in places other than the top of her head! on her wing i call it a freckle and the few around her eyes i call beauty marks, lol!!! she's now getting that color at the bottom of her feather line at her "ankles" so now she's sporting the most awesome color shorts or socks, i haven't decided yet, hahaha! :D

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